
Contemplating with Mary. Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (B)

Joseph Evans comments on the readings for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (B) and Luis Herrera offers a short video homily.

Joseph Evans-January 3, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

When the shepherds went to see the baby Jesus in Bethlehem it was like a new beginning for humanity. They became the first witnesses, outside of the Holy Family, to the birth of the God-man. Through these poor, simple men, God's saving plan began to be known to mankind, and later, through the Magi, the news of this plan would spread to the pagan world.

In this text the Greek verb is used three times laleówhich means "to speak" or "to tell". The shepherds come and repeat what the angels had "told" them; the people are amazed at what the shepherds "tell" them; and they return praising God "...".for all that they had heard and seen, according to what had been told them". It is precisely Good News, and the very nature of news is that it is meant to be told, to be spread.

It is not surprising, therefore, that we begin the New Year with this Gospel, and under Mary's protection, for every new year is a new beginning. We begin another year in human history by going with the shepherds to see this wonder, God made man, made baby, for our salvation. With this vision, with this knowledge, having received this news, we can face the year ahead. All that the angel told the shepherds is true: the "sign" of God's saving plan for humanity is in a manger wrapped in swaddling clothes (Lk 2:12). God has come down in humility to save us from our pride and its disastrous effects. 

But Maria tells nothing. She treasures and reflects. Interestingly, the word "treasure" or "keep safe" is also used in Mk 6:20, when Herod was guarding John the Baptist, protecting him (at least until that moment) from Herodias' desire to kill him. And Jesus, in his parable, uses the same verb to teach that new wine is kept in new wineskins (Mt 9:17). While counting is a form of "pouring out," there is also the need to preserve, to keep safe, the action of God in our lives.

Counting can be a holy action to proclaim God's great works (Mary herself does so in her Magnificat), entering into an exchange that includes even the angels in heaven. But if we limit ourselves to counting, we will merely pour out words and our conversation will be empty. We also need to "drink," as Mary did while contemplating the Child God on her lap. Prayer is certainly talking, talking to God, and it can lead us to talk about God to others. But even higher forms of prayer are meditation and contemplation, often without words, like Mary treasuring, keeping safe, the divine life she carried in her womb.

Homily on the readings of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (B)

The priest Luis Herrera Campo offers its nanomiliaa small one-minute reflection for these readings.

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