Sunday Readings

Readings for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Priest Andrea Mardegan comments on the readings for the feast of the Holy Trinity.

Andrea Mardegan-May 26, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

The Triune God is the Lord God of history, recognized by the people of Israel, to whom Moses explains he has gone to "to choose for himself one nation in the midst of another with trials, signs, wonders and battles, with a mighty hand and a strong arm." It is the God who dwells in the innermost being of the baptized person who has become his child. Paul borrows from Greek culture the juridical concept of adoption, unknown in the Jewish world, to try to understand with human categories the ineffable action of the Spirit, who makes us pass, in our relationship with God, from slaves full of fear before the master, to sons who call him "son" (the Spirit). "Abba, Father!". Children of God and therefore "heirs of God, co-heirs of Christ."which does not mean a path of easy success: it is a call to participate "in his sufferings in order to share also in his glory". 

It is the God who builds his Church from the mountain of Galilee. In Jerusalem the sacrifice of the Son of God and his Resurrection were consummated. But the Church is gathered on earth from the border where everything had its beginning, from where no prophet should have arisen, mixed with the pagans. It begins from the Eleven, who carry in themselves the wound of the twelfth who has gone, and of the weakness of the faith of all when they saw the Risen One: "But they hesitated." They have doubts in faith while prostrate on the ground because God has appeared to them, to manifest their own impotence, to hide and defend themselves from Him. Jesus responds "approaching". 

We imagine Jesus touching the back, or the head or the side of each one and encouraging him to get up, to look into his eyes, because one no longer dies if one looks into the eyes of God made man, dead and risen. To his apostles, fragile and full of fear, with the words: "All power in heaven and on earth has been given unto me."Jesus reminds them of Daniel's vision: "And then there came with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man...Power, glory and kingdom were given to him; all peoples, nations and languages will serve him and his power is an everlasting power, which will never end." 

To build this kingdom that is the Church, Jesus counts on that small group of unbelieving fugitives. He does not reprimand them, but rather he relaunches them. They must baptize the people in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. That is to say, they must immerse them in God, the Father who generates the Son and the Spirit who expires love between Father and Son. Love in which he wants to include all peoples, all persons and their lives. In this undertaking he assures us of his presence until the end of the world. He was the Emmanuel promised at the beginning of Matthew's Gospel; he is Emmanuel, God with us, until the end.

Homily on the readings of the Holy Trinity

The priest Luis Herrera Campo offers its nanomiliaa small one-minute reflection for these readings.

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