
Laura Davara. Giving from overabundance

"Let them become Catholics out of envy." For our joy. Laura lives convinced that we must continually give of what we receive, without holding anything back.

Arsenio Fernández de Mesa-March 21, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes

I go for a walk with Laura Davara Fernández de Marcos. 37 years old. She studied Law and Political Science at ICADE and works as a lawyer in a family office dedicated to computer law (data protection, e-commerce and others). She specializes in social networks and has just published a book: The definitive book on social networks. Shortly after meeting her I will never forget an anecdote: on a summer parish plan we made a stop in Zaragoza. She called me when I was at the gates of the Basilica del Pilar. Her car was full of people: "I've known you for fifteen minutes but believe me I'm serious, we've made a mistake and we're on our way to Gerona.". Anecdotes aside, the book I am talking about is focused on parents and teachers. The objective is to tell both the good and the bad in a colloquial way, without stilted phrases that are not understood. The people who have read it joke: "It doesn't seem to be written by a lawyer, because it is understood". He gives many practical tips on privacy and security, how to detect identity theft and how to act or how to report a case of cyberbullying. He also recommends movies and series to watch with children so they can talk about these issues. He recommends accounts that are worthwhile: food, learning mathematics, cybersecurity tricks, for example. He has also provided some addresses for prayer and meditation. 

In the networks

"The Church is increasingly involved in networks. There are very cool accounts that serve to grow in the life of faith. It is necessary to form in values in digital life"she assures. Laura, who did her thesis on social networks, gives a lot of training in schools. Her target audience is almost everyone: adults, teachers, parents and children. Don't think that's all she's passionate about. She loves board games, traveling and going out with her friends. It makes him happy "a good dinner, a good aperitif, going to a theater, a musical or a magic show". Passionate about being with her family and enjoying it, she makes clear to me the weakness she has for the plan to go to the Bernabeu with her father, for that they are very madridistas. 

Laura is one of those who does not live an individualistic, private, self-referential faith, but wants to give what she has received: "...".I have had a very strong Church experience, especially in the parish of San Germán, in Madrid. I have been a catechist, coordinator of Confirmation, participated in the theater group and was part of the choir.". He went on a mission to the Dominican Republic and there he had a strong experience of God during a Mass, at the moment of peace, to which he had always given little importance: "I felt that God was giving me peace with capital letters, real peace, through these people.". She recalls how in a very sick child, Emmanuel, she saw the face of God. Three years ago he lived through an enormously painful experience: his brother died suddenly, overnight. Shortly after, she went to Lourdes and there she received the consolation she needed: she met her spiritual director and Antonio, a young man of almost 20 years of age with a syndrome suffered by very few people in the world: "...he is a young man with a syndrome that is very rare in the world.I spent some unforgettable days by his side, accompanying him and listening to Melendi's songs all the time because he loved them.".  

Radiating faith

Laura is not satisfied and wants to continue to spread her faith. She participates in many volunteer activities organized by the Youth Delegation of Madrid. Also in Approacha project for people over 30 years of age that was born with the vocation of offering "something different". No one is excluded: Catholics more committed or less, more distant, converts, single, married, divorced. At Christmas they went out to give gifts to children and the elderly".to bring a little joy and hope". Laura has also gone to hospitals, to sing in old people's homes, to hand out sandwiches to the poorest of the poor. But before giving, she nourishes herself: she participates in a group in which she reviews life, formation and prayer. It includes great friends who have supported her in difficult times. Laura understands that we can help others to become "Catholics out of envy". Contagion. Not by keeping the riches we have but by giving from the overabundance we have received. He seems to be succeeding.

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