
Eucharistic adoration. Exchange of love

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is one of the signs of love for God and of companionship, even physical, with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The members of a religious adorer community share, in this article, their explanation of Eucharistic Adoration. 

A worshiping community that repairs and collaborates in the salvation of the world.-June 7, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes

Adoration, Eucharistic Adoration, visits to the Blessed Sacrament... what a great danger we have of "objectifying" God, prayer, the sacraments, the Christian life... It is Jesus Christ, a living Person!

This is the mystery of the present Eucharist: Jesus Christ, the Man Christ Jesus, Son of God, Son of Mary, is alive. He who died on the cross lives forever interceding for us. There, in that White Host is Jesus alive, loving us personally, interceding for us before the Father, crying out to us: "Take and eat, it is my Body given for you." There, sensitive to my response of love. 

It is not static, it is dynamic! Jesus Christ in the Eucharist truly lives and acts: he loves, offers himself, intercedes, welcomes, listens, consoles.

On entering a Church and seeing this reality exposed before our eyes, the one who sees it - as St. John "saw" - understood - on Calvary the mystery of the pierced Heart of Christ - falls to his knees, prostrates himself in silent admiration, in adoration.

What is Worship?

-It is to see with the eyes of faith, with the heart, to become aware of the personal Love of Jesus Christ who, through the Eucharist - a real, sacramental presence - is giving himself to us at every moment, communicating to us the same love with which he gave his life for us: It is Jesus giving himself to us.

-It is to admiringly contemplate that God so loves the world that he gives his Son, that he gives us his Son!

-It is "being" with Jesus for long periods of time, allowing ourselves to be "tanned" by the rays of the Eucharistic Sun so as to emerge from each encounter a little more like Him, to the point of identifying ourselves fully with Him.

-It is to perceive the thirst that God has for the salvation of every man, that they come to Him, the Source of Living Water, to quench their own thirst.

-It is to repair unloved Love by letting ourselves be loved and returning it in love.

-It is to tune in to Him in order to love like Him, to see reality as He does, to approach every man and every event from Him and like Him: giving our life, loving to the extreme.

-It is to understand that only before Jesus can today's battles be won. The great battle of today is that of the human heart. If man, if the heart of man does not become good, the world will never be good. And the human heart can only be healed, restored, by turning to Jesus Christ, the only redeemer of man, the only savior of man.

-It is to go to Jesus burdened with the sin of the world, of our brothers and sisters, with our own sin, and to introduce ourselves into the "High Furnaces" of His Heart, receiving as a marvelous exchange, purified by the Blood of His Sacrifice, the gold of His Charity.

-It is to be grateful that Jesus continues to offer his sacrifice for every man whom he loves with a love of infatuation, and touched by that same love, to offer ourselves with him and like him for the salvation of the world.

-It is to correspond to the sacramental cry of Jesus Christ: "Take and eat, it is my Body given for you", with the same attitude on our part: "Take and eat You too, it is my body given for You... Here I am, with You and like You".

-It is to enter, to immerse ourselves, to lose ourselves in the Heart of God, to make our dwelling there and to allow ourselves to be molded in the mold of the Eucharist.

-It is, finally, to come out of there inflamed in his merciful redeeming love, to radiate it generously among men, to make us a channel, because this torrent of love does not flow among pebbles, but among hearts.

Adoration is an exchange of love, love of friendship, an intercommunication of life, a progressive falling in love. And this takes place in silence and in the peace of the soul.

To operate in the Heart of Christ, to operate in the heart of man requires the surrender of the whole being, and the highest of surrender, the fullness of the gift - as also occurs in human love - is realized in silence.

The words are preparation, but the summit moment of the personal exchange, the most exquisite of Love takes place in silence. Silence full of content that silences and deafens passions, worries, worries, worries, egoisms, protagonisms.

God is Love and Love becomes silence, becomes Eucharist, silent Word, silent gift. The lover must become silence, silence of acceptance, of Eucharist: God and man fused in a deep embrace of silent self-giving.

The greatest thing that can be done today for this world, for the Church, for the people we love so much, for the needy, for those who suffer...? To bring them to Jesus in Adoration and in harmony with Him, to offer ourselves to the Father with Christ, like Christ, thus collaborating in his saving work, in the Redemption of the world. To be a living Eucharist that cries out: "here, in this living heart is everything, you have everything, come and see".

It is worth spending my life before Jesus in the Eucharist! The best of my life for Jesus Christ.

The authorA worshiping community that repairs and collaborates in the salvation of the world.

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