Sunday Readings

"The measureless measure of God's love". Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Andrea Mardegan comments on the readings for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time and Luis Herrera offers a short video homily. 

Andrea Mardegan / Luis Herrera-February 16, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

Commentary to the readings of Sunday VII

David acted in agreement with God and did not kill Saul, because he was the Lord's anointed. Every human being is like Saul, consecrated to the Lord. In the "sermon on the plain", the heart of Luke's Gospel, we enter into the heart of God, with the sublime words of Jesus, which reveal his plan for us: that we may be like God, not by the wrong way of the first Adam, but by following the way of Jesus. Words that define who the Christian is: a child of God according to the Father's way of thinking. After having pronounced his "ay"Jesus' message, addressed to the rich and to those of whom people speak well, is addressed to the disciples who, on the other hand, will have enemies, will be hated, cursed and mistreated. Jesus proposes to them to react with good.

He explains in a crescendoTo love one's enemies is a profound attitude, but it is not enough. It is about showing that love by doing good to those who hate us. But it is still not enough: if they use the word and curse, then the disciples will respond by saying good: blessing. If they also come to mistreat them physically, socially or morally, Jesus asks the disciples to respond with a prayer for them.

This is what Jesus will do on the cross and the martyrs with him. But even here, Jesus continues, prayer is not enough, but also gestures that cure evil with good: turn the other cheek, do not refuse to remain without clothes, like Jesus on the cross, because they take everything. Giving without asking for anything in return. It is not a social program, but a path of detachment out of love. The well-known golden rule: "do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you."Jesus turns it into a positive: do with them what you would like them to do with you.

Even sinners love those who love them. If you lend to him who can repay you: what grace do you receive? Thus in Greek: grace. Doing good for free gives us grace, beauty and joy. But there is also a reward that Jesus promises: to be children of the Most High. This is the name of Jesus according to the angel Gabriel. So the reward is to be like Him. The center of it all is: "Be merciful like your Father"with her maternal bowels of mercy. In the original, Jesus says "becomes"merciful: it is a way. Jesus teaches it to us. In the family, in the Church, in society: do not judge, do not condemn, forgive, give.

In this way, we will not be judged, we will not be condemned, we will be forgiven and we will receive as our reward a full and overflowing measure. The measureless measure of God's love. Therefore, shall we think that it is a grace to have enemies next door, or even in the same house, to love, to forgive, to do good, with the help of God that we will not lack?

The homily on the readings of Sunday, Sunday VII

The priest Luis Herrera Campo offers its nanomiliaa small one-minute reflection for these readings.

The authorAndrea Mardegan / Luis Herrera

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