
Celibacy, and SEEK-USA congress, in the January issue of Omnes magazine

The January 2024 issue of the printed magazine Omnes delves into the topic of celibacy with competent authors and notes on the teaching of the Popes and the Tradition of the Church. It also addresses the SEEK congress, a Catholic event with thousands of young people being held in January in the United States, the ten years of Pope Francis, and the Omnes Forum on the thought of Ratzinger.

Francisco Otamendi-January 1, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
magazine january 24

One of the topics that usually generates most interest in the Catholic Church is celibacy, which Omnes magazine addresses in its January 2024 dossier with the contributions of experienced and competent authors, the arguments that are put forward, and the teaching of recent Popes and the Tradition of the Church.

The dossier takes into account that the celibate form of the Christian vocation is not exclusive to the priesthood, but also accompanies the consecrated life and the vocational journey of many lay people. 

The "synthesis report" on the first Roman phase of the recent Universal Synod on Synodality placed the celibacy of priests as one of the "questions to be faced". This issue of Omnes aims to contribute to this more detailed study, and includes articles that approach it from various perspectives.

SEEK Congress with young people in Missouri

SEEK is one of the largest Catholic events in the United States. Each year, thousands of young people gather for several days to foster intimacy with Christ and grow in community with the whole Church.

Brock Martin, FOCUS member and regional evangelism director, told Omnes about the main parameters of the congress, which takes place January 1-5 in St. Louis, Missouri (USA). This year's attendees are expected to exceed the 2023 figure: more than 19,000 people.

Last year's congress was attended by 1,000 parishes, more than 500 priests and 24 bishops, with the participation of 386 university campuses.

Pope Francis' tenth year in 12 steps

Twelve holy cards for 10 years of Pope Francis is another of Omnes' January themes. 87 years of age, 54 years of priesthood, 10 years of pontificate. The last twelve months of pontiff have been marked by various international trips, including World Youth Day in Lisbon and a visit to two African countries (DR Congo and South Sudan), Hungary and Mongolia. In addition, the first Roman phase of the Synod on Synodality, and new documents, such as the encyclical Laudate Deum.

The issue also contains a synthesis of the Pope's catechesis on the passion for the evangelizationThe theme to which he has dedicated 29 general audiences in 2023.

Ratzinger's thought

In December, an Omnes Forum was held with the participation of Professor Pablo Blanco, an expert in the thought of Benedict XVI and recipient of the Ratzinger Prize 2023 by the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation. The theme was Reason and faithwith a special analysis of the Regensburg speech. 

In the January issue of Omnes you can find an extensive review of the Forum, whose colloquium was moderated by Juan Manuel Burgos, president of the Spanish Association of Personalism, and an interview with Professor Pablo Blanco.

St. Augustine, Teilhard de Chardin, Artificial Intelligence...

Among other topics, readers will find in this issue St. Augustine of Hippo, Juan Luis Lorda's analysis of the French Jesuit thinker Teilhard de Chardin, current challenges regarding Artificial Intelligence, the work of the British priest Peter Walters in caring for children in the streets of Medellin (Colombia), or Eugenio d'Ors.

The content of this magazine is available to Omnes subscribers. The January 2024 issue of Omnes is now available in its digital version for Omnes subscribers. In the next few days, it will also arrive at the usual address of those who have this type of subscription. subscription.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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