Twentieth Century Theology

Eros and agape, by Anders Nygren

Juan Luis Lorda-August 28, 2017-Reading time: < 1 minute

Juan Luis Lorda In the prologue of the work we read: "The purpose of this research is twofold: first, to investigate the Christian idea of love. And, then, to illustrate the main changes it has undergone in history. It seems reasonable to suppose that theologians will have paid special attention to these questions, because the idea of love occupies - not to say that it is - the central place of Christianity [...]. But when one looks at the treatment the subject has received among recent theologians, one finds that it has been one of the most neglected." Since Eros and Agape was translated into English, German, French and Spanish (among other languages) everything has changed.

When Anders Nygren published in 1932, in Swedish, the first part of his study Eros and Agape, he could not have imagined that it would have a worldwide repercussion, and that it would...  full text for subscribers only.

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