The World

Opus Dei launches "Youth", a "communication line for young people".

Opus Dei has presented its new communication project: "Youth", which is defined as "a line of communication for young people" that "puts their concerns into words".

Paloma López Campos-January 16, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes

(Unsplash / Felix Rosting)

On January 15, 2024, on the anniversary of the founding of the DYA academy, the Opus Dei presented its new project for and by young people: "Youth".

To explain the origin and mission of "Youth", some of the organizers of the platform, all members of the Opus Dei Communications Offices in different countries, made a live broadcast on YouTube. During the connection, which lasted about an hour, they showed some of the contents that are part of this plan made by and for young people.

As explained during the broadcast, the Youth project has been carried out by an international team. Among the organizers are people from Chile, Venezuela, Canada, Ireland, Spain, New Zealand, Nigeria and Italy, among other countries.

The launch coincided with the 90th anniversary of the opening of Opus Dei's first university student residence, the DYA academy. The acronym of the residence was a reference to the large percentage of students who studied law and architecture. However, St. Josemaría Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, explained that the acronym could well mean "God and Audacity".

"Youth and Opus Dei

As Tommaso, one of the organizers, explained during the presentation, "Youth" is a platform inspired by the charism of Opus Dei and the special role that young people have always played in its development. St. Josemaría himself founded the Work at the age of 26.

Rachel, from the Opus Dei Information Office in Canada, commented that the new project aims to provide young people with the necessary tools to carry out the mission that God has entrusted to them in the Church.

Almudena, from the Communications Office in Madrid, defined "Youth" as "a line of communication for young people. St. Josemaría's message is still very relevant today, and young people can still be inspired by his words to live holiness in the midst of the world. "Youth" is a tool that makes it easier for the new generations to get closer to the founder of Opus Dei.

The work to launch the project began by analyzing the interests that young people around the world have and their various questions. At their first meeting, the team had, literally on the table, questions such as the courtshipThe social doctrine of the Church, family life, etc.

Content by and for young people

It is not surprising, therefore, that Loreto, a young woman from Madrid who participated in the presentation of the project, says that "Youth" is "putting into words the concerns of young people". In addition, the contents of the project go beyond the questions about the Church that the new generations have, but also allow people to get to know Opus Dei more closely. 

Among the contents prepared there are testimonials, interviews, training documents, audios, videos, etc. Right now all of them can be accessed through the social networks Instagram and YouTube. In the future the organizers hope to also have an account on Spotify and a special section on the Opus Dei website.

Throughout the presentation of "Youth", several people involved in the project offered their testimony both in the creation of the contents and in their life within Opus Dei. The protagonists of the interventions were young people who shared their stories of encounters with God in different parts of the world.

The first contents of "Youth" can already be found on the platforms for all those young people who wish to deepen their knowledge of both the Church and Opus Dei. The organizers also stressed at the end of the intervention that they are open to suggestions from users in order to develop and improve this new initiative.

The logo of "Youth", the new initiative by and for young people inspired by the charism of Opus Dei
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