The World

"Youth, Opus Dei's project for young people, launches new website

Opus Dei launched a few months ago "Youth", a project by and for young people. Now, they are launching a website full of content and very dynamic.

Paloma López Campos-June 6, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes

(Unsplash / Dim Hou)

A few months ago, Opus Dei presented a new project made by and for young people: "Youth". The platform started on social networks, such as Instagram and YouTube, but now, a few months later, it is releasing a very complete and dynamic web page .

The objective of "Youth" is to provide young people with the necessary tools to carry out the mission that God has entrusted to them in the Church. Inspired by the charism of Opus Dei, the project offers training in Christian virtues, resources for prayer, testimonies...

Young people in the middle of the world

The first thing you notice when you enter the website is that they have not failed in the realization of the product: indeed, it is made with young people in mind. And if one doubts it, the first thing to do is to look at the faces in the "Protagonists" section. They are all young professionals, boys and girls who in their day-to-day lives seek God in every daily detail. That is why, in the "World and I" section, there are stories of people from all over the world and universal issues such as courtship, friendship or studies are dealt with.

And there is also content designed for the moments of doubt and discernment that all young people go through: Is it really possible to be happy? What if I make a mistake along the way? How does God show us his will? So many questions to which "Youth" prepares answers.

There is also a whole section called "I Believe" dedicated to answering questions of faith. The user can deepen his knowledge of the 10 commandments, the sacraments, the Creed or the liturgy. There are also several pages dedicated to explaining the spirit of Opus Dei. From the charism of the Work to the work of St. Raphael. 

Encounter with God

From "Youth" they have also prepared resources for the basis of this whole project: the encounter with God. For this reason, in the section "To Pray" there is a lot of content oriented to prayer. From "Gospel Letters", where they facilitate meditation on the episodes of Christ's life, to texts based on moods, facilitating conversation with Jesus.

What if I don't know how to pray? They have thought of that too. There is a step-by-step guide to prayer, short videos with simple tips on how to begin praying, and tricks for remembering God throughout the day. Of course, in "Youth" they take the opportunity to share many of St. Josemaría's teachings and texts, such as points from his book "The Way" and homilies.

In addition to all this, the website offers meditations preached by priests lasting 5, 10 or 15 minutes, to suit everyone's time. In addition, there are short videos, in "story" or "reel" format, on topics that the Pope speaks about or advice from young people to other young people.

"Youth, by and for youth

In short, the "Youth" team has gone a step further by creating a website that surprises with its dynamism and quality. It is a product that is really designed for young people, full of content that reflects their hopes, concerns and daily occupations.

They have created a website that fits everyone, like a glove on a hand, a metaphor that St. Josemaría Escrivá liked so much. "Youth" is ecchi by and for young people, and it shows.

Youth" logo
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