
Cardinal Parolin: "Today's situation can be compared to the first centuries of the Church".

The Secretary of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, has compared the present moment with the first centuries of the Church, and assures that "the fundamental problem is reason, not faith"in an interview in 'El Espejo', a TV network Cope.

Rafael Miner-April 6, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
pietro parolin

"I am very sorry for the loss of faith in our Europe, in our culture, in our countries, and these anthropological changes that are taking place, losing the identity of the human person; rather than a loss of faith, I would say it is a loss of reason."

In these terms the Cardinal Secretary of State responded, Pietro Parolinin an interview conducted by José Luis Restándirector of 'El Espejo' and editorial director of the network. CopeIn response to a question about the old Europe, new legislation on ethical issues that are increasingly moving away from Christian roots, such as the euthanasia law in Spain:

"The Pope says it many times. It had a great impact on me," the cardinal continued. "He says for example: the question of abortion is not a religious question. It certainly is, also for us Christians from the beginning, from the first documents of the Church there is a total rejection of abortion, but it is an argument of reason."

"Probably today, as Benedict XVI said, the fundamental problem is reason, not faith."

In the interview, Cardinal Parolin pointed out that "we can compare the situation we are living with the first centuries of the Church when the apostles and the first disciples arrived in a society that had no Christian values, but through the witness of the first communities they managed to change the mentality and introduce the values of the Gospel in the society of that time. I believe that this is the path we still have to follow today".

As far as faith is concerned, the most important thing, in his opinion, is "witnessing. Of course, it is a testimony, how to say, global, so we have to witness our faith, we have to witness our hope, we have to witness our charity. But the line is this. Today we cannot impose anything, but we have to offer, starting from a coherent and convinced witness of Christian life".

In the conversation, the Cardinal referred to Iraq, China and various current issues. He also revealed that he has long experienced that "being a diplomat of the Holy See is a way of exercising one's priesthood. Above all, because today, after the Second Vatican Council, the task of the nuncios is a pastoral task, that is, to strengthen the ties between the Holy See and the local churches. We are at the service of communion and also the defense, the promotion of the freedom of the Church, of religious freedom. In addition to the task of peace in the world. Imagine how much the Church works for peace. This is my way of looking at diplomacy".

Cardinal Parolin also commented that "this way of understanding Vatican diplomacy will be more or less embodied, after the publication of the apostolic constitution on the Roman Curiawhich for now is titled, although I think it will remain this title, 'Predicate Evangelium'".

On his work with Pope Francis, the Cardinal noted that "what strikes me first is the great simplicity he shows. When you approach him you realize that he is a simple man, without protocol. The contact is immediate. He takes great care of the relationship and closeness with the people. He seeks to meet people. This is another characteristic of his way of working. And I am also very impressed by his desire to help make the Church more credible in the proclamation of the Gospel.

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