
Prayers for the Spanish military deployed in Afghanistan

The Military Ordinary asked for specific prayers for the success of the mission and the safe return home of the military personnel in Afghanistan.  

Maria José Atienza-August 17, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
afghanistan taliban

Photo: ©CNS photo/Reuters

The Military Ordinary, D. Carlos Jesús Montes, has asked all the chaplains and faithful to "offer the Eucharist and prayers in the Liturgy of the Hours and in personal prayer for the success of the mission and the happy return home of our companions, compatriots and collaborators".

The complicated situation in Afghanistan affects, in the first person, the Spanish military deployed there for years. In addition, the Military Archbishopric itself has informed the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, of this request.

At last Sunday's Angelus, Pope Francis underscored his "concern for the situation in Afghanistan" and asked the faithful "to pray with me to the God of peace that the clamor of arms may cease and that solutions may be found at the table of dialogue. Only in this way will the tormented population of that country - men, women, the elderly and children - be able to return to their homes and live in peace and security with full mutual respect".

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