
Blanca, from "Madre no hay más que una": "Christian marriage is a source of blessings".

On October 20, the documentary film "Madre no hay más que una" was released, a tribute to motherhood based on the testimony of six mothers who tell their experiences. In Omnes we have interviewed Blanca, one of the protagonists.

Loreto Rios-October 25, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Blanca, from the movie "Madre no hay más que una".

Last Friday, October 20, the documentary film "Madre no hay más que una" ("There is only one mother") was released, a tribute to motherhood through the example of six specific mothers: Ana, Blanca, Isa, Olatz, María and Bea. Directed by Jesús García ("Medjugorje, la película") and produced by Gospa Arts, "Madre no hay más que una" shows the testimonies of these six mothers. mothers in these times when there are fewer and fewer births and even couples who have many children are being judged.

You can see the theaters where you can enjoy the movie and more information. here.

Trailer for "Madre no hay más que una".

In Omnes we have interviewed Blanca, one of the protagonists, who had to spend 4 months in the hospital without moving during one of her pregnancies, not knowing if her son would make it or not. However, Blanca is clear: "No one is more creative than the Lord to do great and precious things".

What did motherhood mean to you?

The truth is that it was an important change in my life, a kind of "decentering" of myself to look at those who were about to arrive, my children... I remember a silly detail: I have always been a very sleepy person. And, of course, when my first daughter was born, no one could assure me sleep anymore! Or the sleepless nights when they got sick... But that weakness also helps you to look more to God, to Our Lady, and to say to them: "Thank you for trusting me in this adventure of motherhood! And also to ask for their help always, in everything and for everyone.

How does your vocation to marriage make you grow in your relationship with God?

I love this question because I believe that my married vocation, well lived, makes me grow in everything! Every day I discover, especially in the last few years, that by loving Richard well, joyfully and humbly, I am loving God more, and that is amazing! In our day to day life, whether we are together or not, at home, at work, when we take a walk, watch a movie or in intimacy... even when we argue and then ask for forgiveness... we are one! And we can constantly renew our marriage and our Love for God - the more we love each other, the more we love Him! I am very lucky to have Ricardo by my side, he is an incredible person... and very different from me, he complements me in everything! And that also "forces" me to open my heart to new situations and makes it easier for me to learn to trust God.

Christian marriage is a constant source of blessings!

In today's society, the emphasis is often placed on the fact that motherhood means giving up other things, such as professional growth. Do you share this opinion?

I can't deny that this is so... but, as in all major events in the life of any person, you have to give up some things to get other bigger... and better things. When I got married and became pregnant, I had to give up a good salary in order to be with my first daughter and I thought: "Let's see how we manage now financially! We stopped traveling so much, we had to make cutbacks at home, we started going out to dinner less... It is that sometimes there are things to which we are "tied" and without which it seems impossible to live, but when you ask God what He wants from you, the Lord takes you out of your selfishness and your comfort to embark on new paths. Sometimes these paths are scary at first, but they are always exciting. I always say that no one is more creative than the Lord to do great and precious things. No one! So how can I not trust Him, even if it means giving up?

What has been the biggest challenge of being a mother, and the greatest gift?

I guess one of the biggest challenges is to realize that motherhood is not mine, but the Lord's. And that my children will also mess up and I cannot assure them happiness.... And that my children will also make mistakes and I cannot assure them happiness... What I can do is to teach them the path that leads to true Happiness with capital letters, the path so that always, no matter what happens, they can return to God by the hand of the Virgin. And that they have the certainty that, during this journey, their parents will always love them, no matter what happens. I think it is a challenge and an immense gift at the same time, because seeing your children live in a world that is more and more lost, in every sense, is not easy... But living it with the certainty of God's Love fills you with hope. It is a gift to see how they are growing and fighting their inner battles! And it makes me think that they, in a way, can also be a great gift to this world, may it be so!

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