United States

The USCCB will meet from November 13 to 16

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will hold its plenary assembly Nov. 13-16 in Baltimore. Among the topics to be discussed are the budget for 2024, the election of the presidents of six commissions and the Synod the Church is going through.

Paloma López Campos-October 19, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
USCCB plenary assembly

Bishops praying during the Spring Plenary Assembly (OSV News photo / Bob Roller)

The U.S. bishops will hold their plenary assembly November 13-16 in Baltimore. During these days, USCCB members will dialogue on a variety of topics and join together in prayer.

The fall assembly will begin with remarks by the Apostolic Nuncio, Cardinal Christopher Pierre. This will be followed by an address by the president of the bishops' conference, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio.

The exact agenda for the call is not yet known. However, the following have been advanced already some of the topics that the episcopate will address during the meetings. Among them are:

  • The Synod of Synodality;
  • The Eucharistic Revival initiative;
  • The Institute of Catechism, to promote formation;
  • The recently launched mental health campaign;
  • Consultation on the cause of beatification and canonization of the servant of God, Isaac Thomas Hecker;
  • A consultation in support of the bishops of England and Scotland in order that St. John Henry Newman be named a doctor of the Church;
  • The bishops' conference budget for 2024;
  • Authorization for the continuation of the USCCB's ad hoc committee against racism.

On the other hand, the bishops will also have to evaluate and approve several measures. Among them are new materials with which to develop the document on the political responsibility of Catholics "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship." They will also discuss the framework for indigenous ministry and some liturgical texts from the Committee on Divine Worship. In addition, the episcopate will outline a new plan for the mission planning process.

During the plenary assembly, the bishops will also vote for the presidents of six commissions and the new secretary of the bishops' conference. Some of the sessions will be public and may be followed on the web page of the USCCB. Likewise, the social networks of the bishops' conference will provide information on the development of the meeting.

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