
Three girls win Race for Life Storytelling Contest

María José Gámez, from Seville; María Moreno, from Badajoz; and Lorena Villalba, from Gijón, who works in Zaragoza, have won the Story Contest of the Solidarity Race for Life that will take place next Sunday, June 27, in Valdebebas Park (Madrid).

Rafael Miner-June 19, 2021-Reading time: 5 minutes
short story contest

– Supernatural Race for Life is already here. Next Sunday, June 27, we will once again say Yes to Life with a solidarity race, which will take place physically in Madrid at the Valdebebas Park, or virtually from each municipality. There will be two modalities: 5 or 10 km, and you can participate with family or friends, and make the route running or walking. It will be possible to run from 8:00 a.m. on June 25 until 11:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 27.

In Valdebebas, the physical race will start at 10:00 a.m.; beforehand, the Manifesto "Deportistas por la Vida" will be read. At 11:30 a.m. the awards ceremony will take place. Below is a brief explanation of how to register. The race has been organized by the Asociación Deportistas por la Vida y la Familia, members of the Plataforma Sí a la Vida, as a show of support from the world of sports for the dignity of the human person from conception to natural death, for those killed by Covid-19, and to celebrate the tenth anniversary of this Platform. 

The Yes to Life Platform, made up of more than 500 associations, is celebrating the tenth anniversary of its founding and for this reason, in addition to the virtual event held on March 21which gathered interesting testimonies and activities, has organized a second part with a physical presence with the Solidarity Race for Life on June 27.

In this way "Spanish society will once again be able to hear the voice of the defense of all human life and the urgency to defend it at a time when it is especially attacked by the euthanasia law and the persecution of those who offer information and help to pregnant women to save the life of their children," says Alicia Latorre, coordinator of the Platform.

Winners, from Seville, Badajoz and Gijón

In addition to the preparation of the race, there has also been a Short Story Contest about The gift of life and sportreported Omnes. And the winners have turned out to be three winners. In the category of under 19 years, the first prize ex aequo has been for María José Gámez Collantes de Terán, 17 years old, a student in the first year of high school at the Adharaz Altasierra school (Espartinas, Seville), from the Attendis group, with a story titled Run! y María Moreno Guillén, from Badajoz, of the same age, also a student of First Baccalaureate of the school Puerta Palma-El Tomillar of Badajoz, of the same educational group, with the story entitled The happiness of my life.

In both cases, the winners learned about the Short Story Contest through their teachers. Loreto Macho Fernández, a graduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a Physical Education teacher at Adharaz, informed about the contest, and several of them wrote their stories. And Margarita Arizón, teacher of Universal Literature, commented on the contest, and María Moreno and some other students from the school in Badajoz were encouraged.

In the category of Athletesthe winner was Lorena Villalba Herediaa native of Gijón, with the story entitled Nyala, after overcoming, triumphing. Lorena has a degree in Primary Teaching and Physical Education from the University of Oviedo, and subsequently completed a master's degree in Research and Innovation in Early Childhood and Primary Education at the same university. She currently works as a teacher and researcher at the University of Zaragoza.

Nyala's story

Nyala is the story of an albino boy, the youngest of eleven brothers in an African country, who is helped by a Marist brother and begins to compete internationally. He is enrolled in a Spanish university and the dream of his life arrives... We will not reveal the plot. The stories of María José Gámez and María Moreno also have a plot. You will be able to see them in an electronic book of, which will collect the 30 best stories according to the Jury's opinion.

Javier Fernández JáureguiThe president of Athletes for Life, reminds us that "Baron de Coubertin wanted there to be artistic competitions in addition to sporting events, and that it is mandatory to submit a proposal for cultural activities in each city bidding for the Olympic Games.

In declarations to Omnes, Lorena Villalba reveals that she found out about the contest from some colleagues with whom she had sometimes talked about life and some religious topics, and they were the ones who passed the information on to her. Lorena sees in this award "a sign that God has sent her" to return to writing short stories, something she had abandoned.

Formalize registrations. Family

Registration for the Solidarity Run for Yes to Life on June 27th is easy. The simple one is 16 euros, but the organization has also provided a registration for a family group, between 2 and 10 people, for only 24 euros. "The idea is to make participation more affordable," says Javier Fernández Jáuregui, president of the Association of Athletes for Life and Family. Registration for the race virtually is even cheaper: 9 euros for the simple race, and 15 euros for the family group, between 2 and 10 people. There is also a dorsal 0, at 5 euros.

Registrations can be made here:

Physical career:

Virtual career: 

For more information, please visit or call 629406454.

The Manifesto

Javier Fernández Jáuregui encourages to join the many athletes who have signed the Athletes' Manifesto, in which they commit themselves to give the best of themselves for the life of every human being in any circumstance of their lives, and ask the public authorities to commit themselves to this task.. 

The Solidarity Race for Life is an event full of life and joy, despite denouncing the aggressions against human life, in which there will be music, reading of manifestos, awards ceremony and a minute of silence in memory of the deceased. The spirit of self-improvement and solidarity of universal sport, always in search of the integral development of the human person, will be highlighted at all times.

Alicia Latorre wishes to encourage everyone who is hesitating: "The Yes to Life Platform encourages all civil society that defends life from its beginning to its natural end to show their support by running for life on June 27th, either virtually, each one from their place of residence, or in person running or walking with family or friends"..

In the Manifesto to be read in Valdebebas, the athletes affirm their "commitment and loyalty to life; they underline their desire for life to be "exalted, encouraged and protected in any circumstance, situation or period of life", and defend it "as lovers and practitioners of physical activity and sport, as descendants of our parents or caregivers, who gave us life and the opportunity to experience and improve our human qualities thanks to sport".

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