The Vatican

Pope FrancisThe good disciple is vigilant".

The Holy Father held his customary general audience today in the Paul VI Hall to speak about spiritual vigilance.

Paloma López Campos-December 14, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
Hearing December 14

The Pope at the general audience on December 14 (CNS Photo/ Paul Haring)

"We are now entering the final phase of this run of catechesis on discernment"Francis announced. "I consider it necessary to include in this point the reference to an essential attitude so that all the work done to discern what is best and make the right decision is not lost. This is the attitude of vigilance."

If we do not have this disposition, "the risk is that the Evil One can ruin everything, making us go back to square one," the Pope warns. "Jesus in his preaching insists much on the fact that the good disciple is vigilant."

Vigilance consists in "the disposition of the soul of Christians who await the final coming of the Lord. But it can also be understood as the routine attitude to have the proper conduct, so that our good choices, sometimes made after arduous discernment, can continue in a persevering and coherent way and bear fruit".

The Evil One takes advantage of "the moment when we are most sure of ourselves" to foment insidiousness. "When we trust too much in ourselves and not in the grace of God, the Evil One finds the door open."

"The devil comes in with ours, but he gets away with it. Spiritual worldliness goes this way". The Pope affirms that "many times we are defeated in our battles because of this lack of vigilance".

"The devil knows how to dress like an angel. It is necessary to watch the heart", we must ask ourselves what is going on in our heart.

"Vigilance is a sign of wisdom and humility," Francis concluded, "and humility is the master path of the Christian life."

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