The Vatican

Ten articles to understand Pope Francis

The Holy Father Francis celebrates today the tenth anniversary of his pontificate (2013). During these years, he has emphasized love for his neighbor, especially the poorest and most discarded, and on relevant issues such as human fraternity, the fight against abuses, care for creation and the family, and various reforms, in addition to calling for peace.

Francisco Otamendi-March 13, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
pope francisco

On the occasion of these fundamental themes expressed by Pope Francis in these ten years as Successor of Peter, Omnes has collected articles and contributions that may be useful to remember in order to better understand the Pope's government.

Without trying to be exhaustive, because the list could be long, here are some of them.

1) Pope Francis' 9 "bets".

Giovanni Tridente recalled in his article nine years of Pope Francis' pontificate at the head of the Church, and nine challenges for which the Roman Pontiff is betting. 9 bets that remain fully valid in the pontificate of the Argentinean Pope

2) The culmination of the reforms in the Holy See: "Praedicate Evangelium".

On June 5, 2022, the Apostolic Constitution came into force. 'Praedicate Evangelium'.on the Roman Curia and its service to the Church. Thus culminated the process of reforms of the Curia and Vatican organisms that, since the beginning of his pontificate, has marked the passage of Pope Francis through the Petrine See.

3) Pope Francis and initiatives for dialogue with Islam.

Andrea Gagliarducci analyzed the latest meeting of Pope Francis with the Grand Imam of Al Azhar in Bahrain, which confirms a dialogue based on encounter.

4) Beyond Ukraine. Concern and work for peace.

The President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Miguel Angel Ayuso, spoke with Omnes on the Pope, the Church as a 'field hospital', and interreligious dialogue.

5) Fight against abuses. The reform of Book VI of the Code of Canon Law.

Another focus of Francis' pontificate has been the fight against sexual abuse committed by persons in or around the Church. In this regard, Omnes interviewed Juan Ignacio Arrieta, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, on the reform of Book VI of the Code of Canon Law.

6) The Synodal Church. The challenge of a total conversion in forms and structures.

The Synod of Synodality, a process of ecclesial renewal in the Church, is a central theme in the agenda of Francis in recent years. Bishop Luis Marin de San Martin, O.S.A., works together with Cardinal Mario Grech and the French nun Nathalie Becquart, the visible nucleus of the Synod Secretariat. He spoke to Omnes of the Pope and the Synod.

7) Benedict XVI and Francis. Continuity and novelty.

Contrary to what some would like to imply, Cardinal Herranz considers that there is no opposition between the pontificates of Francis and Benedict XVI. In an eloquent interview he emphasized that there are "different pastoral priorities between the two, but no fundamental differences".

8) Catechesis: from the messages of St. Paul to the conversion of the heart

The Wednesday catecheses of this pontificate have touched on very diverse topics. Mercy, the figure of St. Joseph or the role of the elderly in society have been some of the protagonists of these audiences.

9) The "sociology" of Francis

For Massimiliano Padula, sociologist of cultural and communicative processes at the Pastoral Institute of the Pontifical Lateran University, Guardini's influence explains the keys to Francis' thinking.

10) Francis and the youth

On the occasion of WYD Lisbon to be held from August 1 to 6, 2023 in the Portuguese capital with the theme "Mary arose and departed without delay", Pope Francis, "challenged" young people to a life on the road like Mary.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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