The Vatican

Pope Francis: "You see God in desolation".

Pope Francis held his customary general audience today in which he continued his catechesis on discernment.

Paloma López Campos-November 16, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

Photo: The Pope with a child at today's audience. Copyright: Vatican media

Pope Francis today held his usual Wednesday audience in which he continued his catechesis on discernment, paying special attention to desolation.

On his way to the foot of the basilica, Pope Francis blessed some children. At the beginning of the audience, a passage from the Book of Psalms was read.

Desolation in the heart of man

The Holy Father stressed that it is "important to read what is moving within us" and to have a "healthy capacity for solitude. Without this, we run the risk of remaining "on the surface of things and never making contact with the center of our existence".

Desolation, the Pope said, provokes "a shaking of the soul" that makes us more humble, which is necessary for discernment and spiritual growth.

Loneliness and desolation are feelings, which are part of us, and the Pope invites the faithful to understand them, avoiding aseptic indifference "it is not life, it is as if we were in a laboratory".

On the other hand, the Pontiff pointed out that Jesus was alone in some moments of his life and approaching the Lord in his solitude is a very beautiful way to connect with the humanity of Christ.

Spiritual life

In his catechesis, the Pope made some observations on the spiritual life, saying that it is "not a technique at our disposal, a program of inner well-being. The spiritual life is "the relationship with the Living One".

Finally, the faithful received a message of hope from the successor of St. Peter: "You see God in desolation". The Pope affirmed that we cannot be afraid of desolation, there we must seek the heart of Christ and "the answer always comes", we must avoid the voice of the tempter who says otherwise.

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