The Vatican

Pope encourages Catholics to be "joyful witnesses" of the Risen Christ

In his Easter Monday meditation, Pope Francis encourages Catholics to be "joyful witnesses" of Christ's Resurrection.

Paloma López Campos-April 1, 2024-Reading time: < 1 minute
Pope Francis

Pope Francis during the "Urbi et Orbi" blessing on Easter Sunday (CNS photo / Lola Gomez)

After Easter Sunday, Pope Francis prays this Easter Monday the "Easter Vigil".Regina Caeli". Looking out from the balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father encourages Catholics to notice "the joy of women at the resurrection of Jesus. He further explained that this is a joy that is born "from the living encounter with the Risen Lord" and that "impels them to spread and recount what they have seen".

Francis points out that Christ's Resurrection "changes our lives completely and forever," for it is "the victory of life over death." With the Risen Lord, the Pope continues, "every day becomes the stage of an eternal journey, every 'today' can look forward to a 'tomorrow'".

The joy of the Resurrection

The Pontiff recalls in his meditation that this joy and hope of the Resurrection "is not something distant," but a gift that all Catholics have from the day of their Baptism. Therefore, the Bishop of Rome insists, "let us not renounce the joy of the Resurrection, but let us not renounce the joy of the Resurrection. Easter".

But how can we ensure this joy? Pope Francis advises us to go out to meet the Risen Lord, "because he is the source of a joy that is never extinguished". This encounter takes place "in the Eucharist, in his forgiveness, in prayer and in charity lived".

The Pope invites us to bear witness

Finally, Francis asks that "we should not forget that the joy of Jesus also grows in another way, as women always demonstrate: announcing it, bearing witness to it. Because joy, when it is shared, increases".

The Pope concludes by asking the intercession of the Virgin Mary to help all Catholics to be "joyful witnesses" of the Risen Christ.

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