The Vatican

"Let attacks and weapons stop in Israel and Palestine!", Pope prays

The Holy Father prayed this morning, after the Angelus prayer, for peace in Israel and Palestine, and in Ukraine and "so many countries of the world marked by wars and conflicts". He also invited to "give thanks", because "ingratitude generates violence, while a simple thank you can restore peace", he said.

Francisco Otamendi-October 8, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

A missile is launched from Gaza into Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 ©OSV

On this Sunday of October, the 27th in Ordinary Time, the Pope noted that he follows "with apprehension and pain what is happening in Israel, where violence has exploded even more strongly, causing hundreds of deaths and injuries", and expressed "his closeness to the families of the victims; I pray for them and for all those who are living hours of terror and anguish". 

"Let the attacks and weapons please stop, and let it be understood that terrorism and war do not lead to any solution, but only to death, to the suffering of so many innocents. War is a defeat, every war is a defeat, let us pray for peace in Israel and Palestine", cried the Pope.

"In this month of October, dedicated not only to the missions but also to the prayer of the Rosary, let us not tire of invoking, through Mary's intercession, the gift of peace in so many countries of the world marked by wars and conflicts", Francis encouraged, who also recalled in the Angelus "to dear Ukraine, which suffers daily so martyred".

Rosaries for the Synod

The Pontiff also referred to the work of the SynodHe thanked "all those who are following and, above all, accompanying the ongoing Synod with prayer, an ecclesial event of listening, sharing and fraternal communion in the Spirit. I invite everyone to entrust their work to the Holy Spirit.

Precisely yesterday, Saturday, memorial of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary, Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod, presided over the first edition of the torch-lit rosary that will take place every Saturday evening in October in St. Peter's Square, a initiative by the Vatican Basilica. The Cardinal Grech's meditations yesterday were on the joyful mysteries of the Rosary.

"Ingratitude breeds violence."

A few minutes earlier, in his reflection before praying the Angelus, the Pope had referred to gratitude, in the wake of the parable of the owner of the vineyardand the farmers who kill the son of the owner who goes to ask for an account. Francis described the parable as "dramatic with a sad ending".

"The owner of the vineyard did everything well, with love (..). The harvest should have ended happily". However, "ungrateful and greedy thoughts insinuate themselves in the minds of the vinedressers", instead of gratitude. "Ingratitude feeds greed, and a progressive feeling of rebellion grows in them, which leads them to feel that they are creditors instead of debtors."  

When one does not live "with the joy of feeling loved and saved, but with the sad illusion of not needing love and salvation, one finds oneself a prisoner of one's own greed, of the need to have more than others, of wanting to be above others," the Holy Father added. Violence then arises, "because ingratitude generates violence, it takes away our peace, while "a simple thank you can restore peace".

"Do I know how to say thank you, excuse me, sorry?"

As usual, Francis formulated some questions for the examination. Among others, "Do I realize that I have received life as a gift and that I, myself, am a gift?"; "Do I believe that everything begins with the grace of the Lord?"; "Do I know how to say thank you?". "Thank you", "permission" and "please" are "secrets of human coexistence". Do I know how to pronounce these three little words?"; "Do I know how not to be invasive?" he asked.

Finally, the Pope turned to the Virgin Mary, "whose soul magnifies the Lord," to "help us to make gratitude the light that rises every day from the heart."

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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