The Vatican

Pope Francis reflects on "confident waiting".

In his Angelus meditation, Pope Francis spoke about the Lord's patience with the faithful, drawing on the parable of the Gospel seed.

Paloma López Campos-June 16, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
Pope Francis

Pope Francis addresses the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square on June 12, 2024 (CNS Photo / Lola Gomez)

In his meditation on the AngelusPope Francis reflected on "trustful waiting", drawing on the parable of the seed of the Gospel of the day.

Like a sower, said the Pontiff, "the Lord deposits in us the seeds of his Word and of his grace, good and abundant seeds, and then, without ceasing to accompany us, he waits patiently". During this time, "the Lord continues to watch over us, with the confidence of a Father". At the same time, he waits because "he is patient" for "the seeds to open, grow and develop until they bear the fruit of good works".

At the same time, Francis explained, by acting in this way "the Lord gives us an example: he also teaches us to sow the Gospel with confidence wherever we are and then to hope that the seed planted will grow and bear fruit in us and in others".

In this sense, the Pope assured that, very often, "beyond appearances, the miracle is already underway and in due time it will bear abundant fruit".

As usual, the Holy Father concluded his reflection by posing some questions for personal prayer: "Do I allow the Word to sow in me? Do I in turn sow the Word of God with confidence in the environments in which I live? Am I patient in waiting, or do I become discouraged because I do not immediately see the results? And, do I serenely entrust everything to the Lord, while giving my best to proclaim the Gospel?

Pope Francis insists on the need for peace

After praying the Angelus, the Bishop of Rome asked for a round of applause for the new Blessed "Michele Rapaz, priest and martyr, pastor according to the heart of Christ, faithful and generous witness of the Gospel who experienced both Nazi and Soviet persecution".

The Pope also called again for peace, recalling the "clashes and massacres that have taken place in the western part of the Democratic Republic of Congo". He also mentioned the conflicts in Ukraine, the Holy Land, Sudan, Myanmar and "all the places where people are suffering because of war".

Finally, the Pope sent greetings to all "Romans and pilgrims. Among those present in St. Peter's Square were "faithful from Lebanon, Egypt and Spain", from England, Poland, Carini, Catania, Syracuse and Padua, among others.

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