The Vatican

Pope announces Apostolic Exhortation on St. Therese of the Child Jesus

Francis will publish on October 15 an Exhortation on St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, he announced at the Angelus this Sunday, at the beginning of the month of the Rosary and the missions. He also asked for prayers for the Synod, called Azerbaijan and Armenia to dialogue, and continued to pray for Ukraine. Earlier, the Pope encouraged to be "sincere Christians". 

Francisco Otamendi-October 1, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
papal audience october 1

Photo: The Pope during his audience on October 1 ©Vatican Media

The Pope has stated in the Angelus of this Sunday that Saint Therese of the Child Jesus   (Alençon, 1873-Lisieux 1897France), whose feast is celebrated today, October 1, "is the saint of trust in us," and that "an Apostolic Exhortation on her message will be published on October 15. Let us pray to Santa TeresitaHe encouraged the faithful to pray to the Blessed Mother, and to Our Lady, so that they may help us to have confidence and work for the mission.

Along with the news of the saintThe Holy Father wanted to recall that "today begins the month of October, the month of the Rosary and of the missions. I exhort everyone to experience the beauty of the Rosary prayer, contemplating with Mary the mysteries of Christ, and asking her intercession for the needs of the Church and the world".

At the same time, recalling the figure of the young French saint, patroness of the missions, the Roman Pontiff encouraged us to pray for "the evangelization of peoples" and "for the Synod of Bishops", which this month is holding its first Assembly on "the synodality of the Church". 

Prayer for the Caucasus and Ukraine

The Pope also prayed, as he usually does, "for peace in the tormented Ukraine and in all the lands wounded by war". And following "the dramatic situation of displaced persons in Nagorno-Karabakh" in the Caucasus, he renewed his "appeal for dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia, hoping that talks between the parties, with the support of the international community, will bring about a lasting agreement that will put an end to the humanitarian crisis" that is taking place.

"Let's learn from children".

The Successor of Peter went to the study window of the Apostolic Palace accompanied by five children representing the five continents, to announce that "on November 6 in the Paul VI Hall I will meet children from all over the world," he said. 

The event is sponsored by the Dicastery for Culture and Education, and its theme will be "Let us learn from children. It is a meeting to express the dream of all to "return to having pure feelings like children, because whoever is like a child belongs to the Kingdom of God. Children teach us the cleanliness of relationships, the spontaneous welcome of those who are strangers," the Pope said.

"Sinners, yes; corrupt, no."

Before praying the Marian prayer of the Angelus, the Holy Father commented on the Gospel text of the Angelus. Sunday XXVI of Ordinary Time. It is that of "the two sons whose father asks them to go and work in the vineyard (cf. Mt 21:28-32). The first immediately answers "yes", but then does not go. The second, on the other hand, is opposed at first, but then thinks it over and goes".

The problem with a man who behaves in this way, the Pope pointed out, referring to the first of the sons, is "that he is not only a sinner, but also a corrupt one, because he lies without problems to cover up and camouflage his disobedience, without accepting any dialogue, or honest confrontation".

The second son, the one who says "no" but then goes, "is instead sincere. He is not perfect but sincere," Francis added. "Certainly, we would have liked to see him say "yes" immediately. It is not so, but at least, he manifests in a frank and in a certain sense courageous way his reluctance. Then, with this basic honesty, he ends up putting himself in discussion, coming to understand that he has made a mistake and retracing his steps."

"Sincere Christians."

"He is, we may say, a sinner, but not a corrupt one. And for the sinner there is always hope of redemption; for the corrupt, on the other hand, it is much more difficult. In fact, his false "yes", apparently elegant but hypocritical, and his fictions turned into habit are like a thick "rubber wall", behind which he shelters himself from the voice of conscience".

The Successor of Peter then asked aloud some questions for the exam, and prayed that "Mary, mirror of holiness, may help us to be sincere Christians".

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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