The Vatican

Pope thanks "the good that many people of Opus Dei do in the world".

On the morning of June 3, Pope Francis received in audience Bishop Fernando Ocáriz Braña, Prelate of Opus Dei. The prelate informed the Holy Father of the work of the recent Extraordinary General Congress.

Maria José Atienza-June 3, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
opus dei ocariz

Photo: The Pope greets Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz at a previous audience ©Opus Dei

The meeting between the pontiff and the prelate of Opus Dei took place on the morning of June 3. An audience that takes place a little more than a month after the celebration of the Extraordinary General Congress that the personal Prelature carried out with the objective of adapting its statutes to the motu proprio Ad Charisma Tuendum.

In a message sent to the faithful of Opus Dei after the meeting, Ocariz emphasized that, in addition to conveying to the Holy Father the general lines of work developed in the Congress, he transmitted to the Pope the "atmosphere of those days, and the desire for fidelity to the charism of Opus Dei. St. Josemaría and of union with the Pope, which was evident in everyone. At the same time, I communicated to the Holy Father that we have begun to work with the Dicastery of the clergy on the document that resulted from the Congress, for the decision to be taken by the Holy See".

The Prelate of Opus Dei was accompanied on this visit by the auxiliary vicar of the Prelature, Mariano FazioHe told the Pope about "some apostolic initiatives that people of the Work are promoting together with many others in different countries, to try to spread the Gospel and serve many people.

For his part, Francis thanked the Prelate of Opus Dei "for the good that many people of Opus Dei in the world"He encouraged the faithful of the Prelature to "spread our spirit everywhere in the service of the Church".

After the Extraordinary General Congress The main conclusions of these days of work have been presented to the Holy See through the Dicastery for the Clergy, which has been responsible, since August 2022, for the Prelature of Opus Dei.

The Pope's last audience with the prelate of Opus Dei took place on November 27, 2022. That day was the  40th anniversary of Opus Dei as a personal prelature. The Work acquired this juridical status with the publication of the Apostolic Constitution "Ut sit", given in Rome on November 28, 1982, during the pontificate of St. John Paul II. 

At that hearing, the personal prelature was in the midst of preparing for the extraordinary general congress that was convened on the occasion of the publication of the motu proprio "Ad carisma tuendum". and its purpose was to adapt the statutes of the Prelature to the indications of the Pope. 

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