
Pablo Blanco and Francesc Torralba, winners of the Ratzinger Theology Prize 2023

The priest Pablo Blanco, professor of Theology at the University of Navarra and collaborator of Omnes, will receive this distinction together with the philosopher and theologian Francesc Torralba.

Maria José Atienza-November 3, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

Photo: Pablo Blanco

Next November 30 Pablo Blanco and Francesc Torralba will receive, from the hands of Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of His Holiness, the Ratzinger Prize 2023 in a ceremony in which participants will reflect on the legacy of Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI almost a year after his death.

It will be the first edition of the Ratzinger Awards to be presented after the death of the Pope Emeritus. Two Spaniards: Pablo Blanco and Francesc Torralba join the list of award winners, which includes names such as Joseph Weiler, Tracey Rowland, Hanna Barbara Gerlt-Falkovitz or Remi Brague.

Pablo Blanco is one of the most recognized experts on Benedict XVI today. He is a member of the editorial committee of the Opera omnia from Joseph Ratzinger in Spanish in the BAC publishing house and has written, in addition to a biography of Benedict XVI, other titles such as Benedict XVI, the theologian pope, Joseph Ratzinger. Life and Theology, Benedict XVI and the Second Vatican Council. o The theology of Joseph Ratzinger.

Omnes features some of the best-known articles on Joseph Ratzinger by this priest and professor who, interestingly enough, was hosting an Omnes Forum with Tracey Rowland in 2020.

Pablo Blanco

Pablo Blanco Sarto was born on July 12, 1964 in Zaragoza (Spain). He studied Hispanic Philology at the University of Navarra. In Rome he completed his studies of Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, then he began his licentiate and doctorate in Philosophy, on the thought of Luigi Pareyson (1918-1991). He was ordained a priest on September 21, 1997.

In 2005 he completed his PhD in Dogmatic Theology at the University of Navarra, with a study on the fundamental theology and religions of Joseph Ratzinger.

He is currently a full professor at the University of Navarra in the areas of ecumenism, sacramental theology and ministry.

He collaborates with the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI. of Regensburg (Germany), with numerous Spanish and Latin American academic institutions, with various publishing houses and theological and pastoral journals.

Francesc Torralba

Francesc Torralba Roselló is a philosopher and theologian.

Born in Barcelona on May 15, 1967, he is married and father of 5 children. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona (1992), in Theology from the Faculty of Theology of Catalonia (1997), in Pedagogy from the University Ramon Llull (2018), in History, Archaeology and Christian Arts, at the Ateneu Universitari Sant Pacià, Faculty Antoni Gaudí (2022).

He is currently an accredited professor at the Ramon Llull University and teaches courses and seminars at other universities in Spain and America. He alternates his teaching activity with his commitment to writing and disseminating his thought, oriented towards philosophical anthropology and ethics.

The Ratzinger Awards

The Ratzinger Prize is the principal initiative of the Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation. It is awarded, as established in the Statutes, to "academicians who have distinguished themselves for particular merits in publications and/or scientific research".

Nominations for the Prize are proposed to the Holy Father for approval by the Foundation's Scientific Committee, composed of five members appointed by the Pope, including Cardinals Kurt Koch (Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity), Luis Ladaria (Prefect Emeritus of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith), Gianfranco Ravasi (President Emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Culture), by His Excellency Msgr. Salvatore Fisichella (Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization), and by His Excellency Monsignor Rudolf Voderholzer (Bishop of Regensburg and President of the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI).

The Prize is awarded annually, since 2011, to two or three academics each time and, among its awardees, there are not only Catholics, but also members of other Christian confessions: an Anglican, a Lutheran, two Orthodox and one of the Jewish religion.

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