The Vatican

Opus Dei prelate responds to Pope's motu proprio on personal prelatures

The prelate of Opus Dei, Fernando Ocáriz, has published a message in which he refers to the recent motu proprio of Pope Francis, by which he has modified the Code of Canon Law in relation to personal prelatures.

Paloma López Campos-August 11, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
Fernando Ocáriz

Opus Dei Prelate, Fernando Ocáriz (CNS photo / Paul Haring)

On August 8, the Holy See published the motu proprio modifying the canons that regulate the canons that regulate the personal prelatures in the Code of Canon Law. Opus Dei published a note on August 9 indicating that it would take this modification into consideration in the adaptation of the prelature's statutes. The following day, Fernando Ocáriz, the prelate of Opus Dei, published a letter in which it reacts to the motu proprio.

Ocáriz begins by pointing out that Opus Dei welcomes "with sincere filial obedience these dispositions of the Holy Father" and asks the members of the Prelature to remain united in this attitude. Immediately, the prelate affirmed that "the Holy Spirit leads us at all times," since Opus Dei is "a reality of God and of the Church. In this way the faithful of the Work live the spirit of the founder, St. Josemaría, always very united to the Pope.

Updating the bylaws

Next, Fernando Ocáriz mentioned the process of updating the statutes of the Work that is being carried out and reiterated that this new motu proprio will be taken into account during the adaptations that will be made. For this reason, the Prelate once again asked for prayers "so that this work will be successful".

In the letter he makes a second call to unity with the Pope and Ocáriz expresses his desire that all the members of Opus Dei strengthen their sense of filiation with the Church, as well as their closeness to all their brothers and sisters. He encourages the faithful of the Work to continue being "apostles who magnanimously sow understanding and charity, with the joy that comes from an encounter with the Lord.

The laity and Opus Dei

Finally, the prelate's message makes a specific reference to the section of the modifications that mentions the laity, "the raison d'être of Opus Dei: ordinary Christians in the midst of the world, who seek God through their professional work and their ordinary life". Fernando Ocáriz emphasizes that the lay members of the Work "are faithful of their dioceses, like any other Catholic". He adds that they are "also members of this supernatural family [Opus Dei], thanks to a specific vocational call.

The prelate's message ends by alluding to his trips to Australia and New Zealand, and advising to turn to the intercession of Our Lady, whose Solemnity of the Assumption is celebrated next week.

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