
Holy Land. Unattainable peace, the theme of the December issue of Omnes magazine.

The December 2023 Omnes print magazine focuses its dossier on the Holy Land, the origins of the conflict, its history and idiosyncrasies and first-hand testimonies. Alongside this theme, Nagorno-Karabakh and the summary of the Omnes Forum with Jacques Philippe.

Maria José Atienza-December 5, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
omnes dec

The Holy Land, the land of Jesus, where the historical events of the incarnation, life and death of Christ took place, is the central theme of the number 734 of Omnes.

The new conflict in the area, following the Hamas surprise attack on Israeli citizens last October 2023 and the subsequent declaration of war, has once again attracted worldwide media, political and religious attention.

The dossier begins with a comprehensive and well-documented historical introduction by Gerardo Ferrara explaining the historical origins of the tensions in the Holy Land, as well as their political and religious branches.

The issue also explores some of the Christian institutions present in the area, especially the work and history of the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land, which ensures the Christian presence in key places such as the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem or the Basilica of the Agony, located in the Garden of Olives.

Two women, one Israeli and one Palestinian, also share their different views on the events as well as the lessons that society can learn from the war.

10 years of Evangelii Gaudium

Our editor in Rome, Giovanni Tridente, takes stock of the presence of the key themes of the apostolic exhortation. Evangelii Gaudium in the latest speeches of Pope Francis.

This document, which inaugurated the pontificate of Pope Francis, remains today one of the key texts of the pontiff's magisterium, who makes specific references to this text on numerous occasions.

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

The section dedicated to The World this month, the focus is on the conflict, barely known from Nagorno-Karabakh. This enclave, historically linked to Armenia but located on the border with Azerbaijan has seen the practical disappearance of the Christian Armenian presence as a result of the 2020 and 2021 wars and the latest attacks by the Azeri army.

What was once the first Christian nation in the West is today facing the disappearance of its religious and cultural legacy.

Christian philosophy and Jacques Philippe

For its part, Juan Luis Lorda sets out in its Twentieth Century Theology the influence of Christianity on philosophical development, contributing, for example, an idea of the person, of what love and the family are, of the natural order of the world, of the sense of human freedom and responsibility, of the ideals of justice and fraternity, in accordance with human dignity.

The author argues that our democratic culture is based on them. They are issues that can be dealt with by reason, but, to a large extent, they have been established by the impulse of faith.

In addition, the magazine includes an extensive report dedicated to the Omnes Forum, held on November 24 in Madrid and was attended by the well-known spiritual author Jacques Philippe.

At this meeting, attended by more than 200 people, Philippe spoke about the consequences of the "traumatic" death of God in today's society. Among other things, he recalled that by scorning God, we have already "there is no peace or solace". Without hope, without mercy and without the opportunity for forgiveness, man cannot even love himself.

The content of this magazine is now available to Omnes subscribers. The December 2023 issue of Omnes is now available in its digital version for Omnes subscribers. In the next few days, it will also arrive at the usual address of those who have this type of subscription. subscription.

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