
Omnes July - August 2023: World Youth Day and Marian Route as main themes

Maria José Atienza-July 6, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
omnes july august

Omnes subscribers can access the digital version of the double issue corresponding to the months of July and August 2023, which will be sent to subscribers of the printed magazine at their usual address in the next few days.

WYD, the Church in Tanzania

The regular issue is dedicated to World Youth Day, which Lisbon will host during the first six days of August this year.

Testimonials from participants of different nationalities, the agenda of the conference and a comprehensive summary of the Portugal that hosts this meeting are part of this dossier that includes interviews with Bishop Americo Aguiar, president of the World Youth Day Foundation and the Spanish priest Raul Tinajero, Director of the Youth Pastoral Department of the Spanish Episcopal Conference.

Simon Chibuga Masondole, bishop of the diocese of Bunda, Tanzania, is also included in the magazine. Bishop Masondole describes the reality of the Church in a difficult territory where poverty and lack of formation coexist with pride in being a Christian and the commitment of many Catholics who are true pillars of the faith in African communities.

Pascal and the music of William Byrd

Blaise PascalThe philosopher to whom the Pope has just dedicated a Letter on the fourth centenary of his birth is the protagonist of the article of Theology signed by the priest Juan Luis Lorda. In this article, some important keys of his thought, his biography and his role in the history of philosophy are exposed.

Another article of great interest is the one dedicated to the music of William Byrd, one of the fathers of English music whose 400th anniversary of his death will be celebrated this July and whose conversion to Catholicism caused many difficulties in his career. The article is complemented by the possibility of listening to fragments of his works through the various QR codes that accompany the text.

Along with these articles, as in every issue, Omnes includes commentaries on the Gospels by Father Joseph Evans, reviews of current books and series, and a summary of Pope Francis' catecheses and speeches, masterfully written each month by Ramiro Pellitero.

Special Marian Route

The special issue of Omnes is dedicated to the Marian Route. This route, which links the sanctuaries of El Pilar, Torreciudad, Montserrat, Lourdes and Meritxell, has become, since its creation, a way of promoting not only the sanctuaries but also the surrounding counties and towns.

In addition to the history of the Marian Route Association, the special includes a specific section dedicated to each of the five sanctuaries in which historical events, current events and the future of these enclaves of Marian piety or the festivities and devotions that bring together each of them are narrated.

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