
National School Nativity Scene Contest

The V School Nativity Scene Contest organized each year by the promoters of the Religion Olympics, ReliCatGames, with the support of Free to Choose, is underway. The centers have until December 16 to send their proposals. On the other hand, the Religious Painting Contest closes on November 30.

Francisco Otamendi-November 25, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
One of the school nativity scenes in the contest

One of the school nativity scenes in the contest.

– Supernatural Association Events and Activities for the Subject of Religion (EAR) is promoting, as usual, supported by Free toChooseThe National School Nativity Scenes Contest, this year in its fifth edition.

All schools in Spain can participate, regardless of their educational level. The idea is to take some photos of the Nativity Scene of the school and send them to the email [email protected] before December 16, with which the school is registered. You can consult the rules here

The winner will be announced through the Association's networks and websites on December 22, 2022. The winners of last year's contest, Christmas 2021, were the Nativity Scene of CEIP Parque de Cataluña, Madrid; the second prize went to the Nativity Scene of Cristo Rey School, Seville; and the third prize went to the Nativity Scene of San Enrique School, Quart de Poblet, Valencia.

The organizers expressed their gratitude to all the participating centers, leaders and children, and not so children, and pointed out that the decision had been very difficult, due to the variety of the nativity scenes: pine cones, plasticine, cardboard, stones, wool, corks, recycled materials and a large etcetera.

Religious Painting

On the other hand, EAR organizes the VIII National Religious Painting Contest. In the previous edition, schools from seven autonomous communities participated. In order to be able to competeThe only requirement is to make a drawing related to Sacred History and to be a student of an educational center in Spain. Along with the work, the annexes must be sent according to the call for entries. The deadline for submitting the students' work is November 30. 

On December 15, the winners of Children's and Special Education and the winners of Primary and Secondary Education will be announced, who will paint live on the morning of Saturday, April 15. The awards ceremony will also be held on April 15 at the Francisco de Vitoria University (UFV).

Religion Olympics

The IX ReliCatGames are back. The competition will have two competitions: individual (multiple choice questions) and team (collective tests). The individual competition will be held on Saturday, April 15 and the team competition and awards ceremony on Saturday, May 6 at the UFV. Students from 5th grade of Primary School to 2nd year of High School from schools in the Community of Madrid and surrounding areas can register.

To participate in another venue, please contact Alicante-Orihuela, Malaga, Mallorca, Navarra, Salamanca, Valladolid or Zamora. For further information, please contact [email protected] or call 653077738.

The Association Events and Activities for the Subject of Religion is a group of Religion teachers who wish to help promote the subject of Religion and "make it more attractive and interesting for our students". It was born in December 2013, and currently organizes the following events and activities:

- Relicat Games (Religion Olympics)

- Relicat Paint (National Scripture Painting Contest)

- Relicat runner (Solidarity race)

- National School Nativity Scene Contest

- Prize Hiedra Sanchez (From journalism on the subject of Religion).

It currently has offices in Madrid, Malaga, Navarra, Valladolid, Salamanca, Mallorca, Alicante-Orihuela and Zamora.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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