
Infancia Misionera launches its Advent Campaign

Missionary Childhood begins its Advent campaign this Sunday, December 3. The objective is to encourage the youngest members of the family to live this time with a missionary spirit.

Paloma López Campos-December 1, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
Christmas children

Two children decorate a Christmas tree (Unsplash / Paige Cody).

On December 3, the Catholic Church celebrates the first Sunday of Advent. Taking advantage of the holiday, Infancia Misionera is launching its Christmas campaign to encourage children to live this liturgical season in a spirit of mission. This aspect is essential in Advent, as Fernando González, head of the organization, explains. In this sense, he says: "Advent arrives, a time of preparation for the birth of Jesus. But when Jesus is born, not everything ends, on the contrary: at that moment begins a journey that leads to Missionary Childhood".

Among the main elements of the project is the Advent calendar. Through it, the organization proposes daily activities for the little ones, weekly challenges and short prayers so that they can soak up the Christian spirit. On the organization's website you can view the calendar and download the file.

However, this calendar is not like all the others. Instead of ending on December 25, the final date is January 14, the Day of Missionary Childhood, and the motto chosen for this occasion is "I share what I am".

In addition, this year a new edition of the National Missionary Childhood Contest, focused on drawing, will be held. Children from first to third grade of primary school, on the one hand, and from fourth to sixth grade of the same school stage, on the other hand, will be able to participate.

The winners will receive a tablet and a bluetooth headset, and will be eligible to participate in the International Missionary Childhood Contest. In addition, the organization invites all children to take part in the organization's traditional "Star-Sowers" initiative.

All the information about the calendar, the contest and the "Star-Sowers" initiative can be found on the website of Infancia Misionera, which has just launched a new version, and on the website of the Pontifical Mission Societies.

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