
Millennials defend life

Omnes-May 1, 2018-Reading time: 2 minutes

More than 500 associations and organizations participate in the day on the occasion of the International Day of Life.

Text - Fernando Serrano

"Young people care about important things. It is not a problem of political ideologies, it comes from within us.", said Marta Paramo, spokesperson for the March Yes to Life 2018, which took place in Madrid on Saturday, April 15.

This defense of life that Marta Páramo calls for is not only for those who have not yet been born, but also for "the dignity of all people, regardless of their physical and intellectual abilities, must be upheld, since all people contribute to the lives of others and contribute to the betterment of society.".

The president of Fundación Más Vida, Álvaro Ortega, emphasizes that "Millennials are waking up, we do not want to imitate the previous generation. We will defend life from the moment of conception.".

Marta Páramo emphasizes the fundamental role of young people in today's society and the need for "all those committed to life to show it and show their faces, not only on the day of the march, but also in their daily lives, defending the dignity of all people. We want to make everyone aware that life is something that really matters to us. We young people are committed to society in the defense of life.".

The first of the rights

The president of the Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations, Alicia Latorre, explained that this act seeks to defend the first of these rights: "The march celebrated the first of human rights, which is the right to life.".

In this social call in favor of life, Latorre has explained that ".We seek the commitment of science, politicians and society as a whole not to allow any human being, of any age and condition, to be destroyed, undervalued or commercialized".

Amaya Azcona, general director of the REDMADRE Foundation, has also pointed in the same direction: "The lack of protection of life in our legislation and the indifference to it on the part of society urge us, on the one hand, to publicly manifest the dignity of all human life beyond their capacities and specific situations and, on the other hand, to call on all the actors involved to work for the defense of life.".

Educating to accept the gift of life

"Educating to accept the gift of life"is the motto with which the Day for Life was celebrated on April 9, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. The Episcopal Conference's Episcopal Subcommission for the Family and the Defense of Life recalled in its message that "the Church's commitment to the family and to the defense of life is a fundamental element of this day".the Magisterium of the Church invites us to receive the gift of life, to become aware of it. We cannot take it for granted, but rather ponder its meaning and welcome it responsibly. We must reflect on life as a gift in order to understand how we guide our own lives.".

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