Latin America

Love for the Virgin Mary and appreciation for good taste

Alejandro Zubieta-November 6, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

TEXT - Alejandro Zubieta

For the past three months, a image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is appearing on houses and fences of the streets of Monterrey (Mexico) and neighboring municipalities. The initiative arose from a graphic arts expert which has a great love for the Virgin Mary and appreciation for good urban planning taste. Together with a friend, they decided to unite both ideals and let Ella do the most important things: to unite the family, the neighbors, to become a friend to her children, to beautify the city....

The project is called #TheVirginAllSides. It offers something that is not very common: giving more than you receive. Le they give an image of Our Lady to the person who wants it for his or her home. and, at the same time commit to remodeling a wall or fence in poor condition to place another image of the Virgin there. They have no financial losses; there are donors who collaborate to cover the costs of beautifying the streets and fences.

The initiative is successful. To date 420 images of the Virgin have been placed; 210 in houses and another 210 on the walls of the city.of a neighborhood or village. The promoters of this initiative are more than well paid; in addition to a change of land to the sun of the urban visual improvement of a space and  the effect of unity that the Virgin achievesThe means and permits are provided for the installation of the images, family members who had not done so for 20 years are reunited, some citizens stop in the middle of a public street. to pray or sing to the Virgin

The authorAlejandro Zubieta

Puerto Rico

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