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Catholic journalists should proclaim the message of Christ

Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, addressed journalists and other media professionals at the annual conference of the Catholic Media Association.

Jennifer Elizabeth Terranova-June 20, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory

Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory during a homily at a Mass during the conference in Baltimore (OSV News photo / Jaclyn Lippelmann, Archdiocese of Washington)

Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, celebrated the Mass at the basilica of the national sanctuary of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Maryin Baltimore. The Eucharist took place during the Annual Conference of the Catholic Media Association (CMA), which took place from June 6 to 9. And the cardinal's message to journalists and media professionals was clear: proclaim the "Good News" and remain faithful to what is true.

The Catholic Media Association is an organization of Catholic media professionals whose mission is to support, enrich and help its members develop their skills to effectively communicate the Gospel.

The task of modern journalism

Cardinal Gregory spoke of the challenges facing Catholic communicators and urged them to "adhere to the highest principles of your profession...and to be diligent in research, honest in your editorial policy, competent in the use of modern media, but always motivated by the truth of Christ, which too often is only whispered in closed rooms or spoken in the dark. You are people who bring the full force of modern journalism to the task of revealing God's own design for us in Christ."

Competence is essential, Cardinal Gregory said, but Catholic communicators must be more than "competent reporters and recorders of religious events...". He encouraged attendees to remain steadfast in their call to proclaim the truth despite the current climate in society. "Take comfort in knowing that people can still listen with delight to the truth of the Lord's teachings, even in our often cynical world."

Love of truth

His Eminence also reminded Catholic journalists that "yours is the great opportunity to report a word of truth that has changed your own life. It is love of that truth that motivates you to reveal those hidden things so that they can - in turn - change the lives of others."

Cardinal Gregory also expressed his gratitude for the work of the AMC, because good news always uplifts and creates light in the darkness. And he offered prayers for the members of the CMA who have passed away in the past year.

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