
Online forum "Towards a new Catholic Religion curriculum".

The entry into force of the LOMLOE makes it necessary to restructure the subject of Religion, for which the Spanish Episcopal Conference has promoted a forum for debate and dialogue in the coming weeks. 

Maria José Atienza-January 31, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

– Supernatural Spanish Episcopal Conference promotes this space for dialogue and debate with the aim of considering the issues to be taken into account in the revision of the Catholic Religion curriculum and its development in the new Organic Law for the Modification of the LOE (LOMLOE).

The so-called 'Celaá Law' has been rejected by the majority of the private education community. In spite of this, and ignoring any consensus initiative, it was approved on December 23, 20202 and came into force a week later with its publication in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of Education. BOE.

With the entry into force of the LOMLOE, it will be necessary to update the Catholic Religion curriculum in the area of Religion, from Pre-school to High School.

A renewal that, from the EEC, they want to take advantage of to "to embrace what is happening in local and global contexts, in the field of education, with an international perspective and in our ecclesial community.".

Methodology and development

The starting point will be the open call of four virtual forums that, within the current framework of ecclesial and civil educational reflection, will make possible a review of the sources of the curriculum -sociological, epistemological, psychological, pedagogical-. The forums will be held on February 23, March 2, 9 and 26. The last one will be conducted and moderated by the collaborator of OmnesJavier Segura.

At each of the sessions the necessary challenges for the new Catholic Religion curriculum will be analyzed.After each session, an online space for participation will be opened so that all those involved in the teaching of religion can contribute to this debate.

All of this will be accessible on the link The report will be presented to the Board of Directors and will culminate with the presentation of a report that synthesizes the fruit of the participation and constitutes a basis for the renewal of the Catholic Religion curriculum.

Participation of all stakeholders

This space for dialogue and debate has been created to encourage the participation of the diocesan delegations of education, educational centers, titular entities, teachers' associations, parents' associations, groups and social agents involved, teaching schools and faculties of education, faculties of theology and higher institutes of religious sciences and, especially, all teachers of religion.

All the information from the forum:

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