
Omnes, Race for Life Story Contest Partner

The popular race organized by Deportistas por la Vida y la Familia on Sunday, June 27 in Valdebebas (Madrid), will include a tribute to those affected by Covid-19, and a Short Story Contest in which Omnes is collaborating.

Rafael Miner-May 17, 2021-Reading time: 4 minutes
athletes for life

New initiatives are taking shape with the popular race on Sunday, June 27, in the Valdebebas Forest Park in Madrid, organized by Athletes for Life and FamilyThe race will have a maximum of 500 participants, in order to respect the rules of the health authorities and the Athletics Federation. The motto of the race is "Who runs to defend life, runs twice".

Within the general framework of the testimony they wish to give in favor of nascent and suffering human life, many athletes have already signed the Athletes' Manifesto - Yes to Life, which will be proclaimed at the Race.

"In it they pledge to give the best of themselves for the life of every human being in any circumstance of his life and ask the public authorities to commit to this task," explains Javier Jáuregui, president of the association, who recalls, following a point of the manifesto, "that the act of being born is the first sporting gesture that the human being makes, after the long period of learning, of training, in the maternal womb."

In addition, as a tribute to those who died at Covid, "a minute's silence and prayer will be observed in memory of the deceased and the spirit of self-improvement and solidarity inherent to universal sport, always in search of the integral development of the human person," adds Javier Jáuregui. The Manifesto calls for an increase in measures to provide palliative care for the sick, as well as aid for newborn life.

Athletes and families wishing to participate in the popular races, either in the physical presence modality, on a circuit of 5 or 10 km, or in the virtual ones, from their homes, have more information at deportistasporlavlavidaylafamilia.comand you can register here

In both modalities, participants will wear the t-shirt of the platform Sí a la Vida, on its tenth anniversary. There will also be a dorsal 0 of support, at a price of 5 euros, as can be seen on the website. The godmother of honor of the race will be Isabel de Gregorio, widow of the first director of INEF Madrid, José María Cagigal.

Support from the Yes to Life Platform

The platform Sí a la Vida, which includes 500 associations and civic organizations that have worked on the front line in caring for people in need, both at the beginning and at the end of their days, encourages participation in this tribute to the Race on June 27.

Alicia Latorre, its president, told Omnes that this year, the Yes to Life meeting organized by the platform was in March, in a virtual way "but as in 2021 the 10 years of Yes to Life will be celebrated, it has two parts: the one already held in March, and the second, in person, which responds to the offer of Athletes for Life. The Yes to Life platform will support the Race of the Athletes for Life on June 27".

Short story contest

To give more visibility to the virtual career, as reported by omnesmag.comthe organization has announced a short story contest on the subject of The gift of life and sportThe simple rules can be consulted at hereThe contest is now open for original submissions, since the submission of stories began on April 27 and will end on June 7. There are therefore three weeks left.

The stories will deal with "some aspect related to life and sport", and the length of the texts "may not exceed three pages written on one side only, single-spaced, with 11-point font, and people of any nationality may participate, with original and unpublished stories". The stories should be sent by e-mail to the following e-mail address [email protected]indicating the name and postal address of the sender.

There will be three categories of winners in the contest:

1) Stories of federated athletes (they must send their title or card of federated in any federation, or of collegiate in Physical Education, or professionals of the sport).

2) Under 18 years of age (thinking of school children...).

3) Open category (any citizen).

E-book with 30 stories

Omnes is a media partner, and will collect in an e-book the 30 best stories in the opinion of the Jury. It wishes to pay tribute to the caregivers of the most fragile life, collecting short stories inspired by the world of sport and the vulnerability of human life. The winning story will be read during the physical race at the Valdebebas Park in Madrid.

Javier Jáuregui recalls that "Baron de Coubertin [named Pierre, Paris, 1863 - Geneva, 1937, restorer of the Olympic Games in the 20th century], wanted there to be artistic competitions in addition to the sports competitions, and that it is mandatory to submit a proposal for cultural activities to each city bidding for the Olympic Games.

Manifesto signatories and financial support

In the Manifesto to be read in Valdebebas, the athletes affirm their "commitment and loyalty to life; they underline their desire for life to be "exalted, encouraged and protected in any circumstance, situation or period of life", and defend it "as lovers and practitioners of physical activity and sport, as descendants of our parents or caregivers, who gave us life and the opportunity to experience and improve our human qualities thanks to sport".

The first twenty signatories are José Javier Fernández Jáuregui ([email protected], whatsapp 629406454), Javier Arranz Albó, Fernando Bacher Buendia, Miguel Ángel Delgado Noguera, Manuela Fernández del Pozo, Leonor Gallardo Guerrero, Víctor García Blázquez, Mariano García-Verdugo Delmas, Francisco Gil Sánchez, Juan Pedro González Torcal, Manuel Guillén del Castillo, José Luis Hernández Vázquez, Javier Lasunción Ripa, Diego Medina Morales, Francisco Milán Collado, Juan Rodríguez López, Marc Roig Tió, Raúl Francisco Sebastián Solanes, Francisco Sehirul-lo Vargas, and Jordi Tarragó Scherk. Those who wish may send their support to this manifesto to the address of the first signatory, indicating name and surname, sport, degree, city.

On the other hand, Alicia Latorre, president of the Federation of Pro-Life Associations and of the Yes to Life Platform, launches a message asking for support. "One way to help is also to financially support the Platform Yes to Life (, in its account ES28 0081 7306 6900 0140 0041, or with a donation by bizum to 00589. The account holder is the Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations, the concept Yes to Life, and it is convenient to indicate which person or association is making the donation", explains the president.

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