
Four new ambassadors of the Casa Grande of the Diocese of Avila

The Casa Grande de Martiherrero special education center, which depends on the Bishopric of Avila, has incorporated four new ambassadors of the institution into its large family.

Omnes-February 7, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

- TEXT Francisco Otamendi

They are the director of Religious Institutions of Banco Sabadell, Santiago Portas; the journalist Javier Pérez de Andrés, the director of Ser Ávila, Carmen Esteban, and the topographer and dynamizer of Espacio Castilla y León Digital, Ángel Martín.

   The act of was presided over by the bishop of the diocese, Msgr. Gil Tamayo, and the director of the center, Pura Alarcón, who by the director of the center, Pura Alarcón, who emphasized that "ambassador is not a title, but a mission, because they are the loudspeaker for the voices that this society that looks the other way does not want to hear only hear them"..

   Javier Pérez de Andrés de Andrés pointed out that "for a journalist who was aware of the Salamanca Declaration in which we committed ourselves to approach with the the seriousness required for any information on the world of disability, this distinction is all the more This distinction only encourages him even more"..

   Santiago Portas, a Banco Sabadell executive who has been the driving force behind the launching of the the Done project, a digital donation collection system, via card or mobile phone, in more than 240 parishes and religious institutions. or cell phone, in more than 240 parishes and religious institutions, said that he felt "We are very grateful to be able to be part of this work of the Church in Avila and to be the focus and loudspeaker of the Casa Grande. and to be the focus and loudspeaker of the Casa Grande. The fact that they count on me is very worthy of being and I hope to live up to this appointment"..

   Carmen Esteban assured that it is a responsibility, because "is a prize, it is to ratify a commitment for years in front of a lot of people. people, with which we have to comply".. For his part, Ángel Martín said that "it is an honor to be an ambassador of the values the values that the Casa Grande represents and all that it implies for the society of Avila's society".
   Among other authorities, the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, was Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles, who pointed out that attending this event was this event was "a must-see, as a friend of the friend of the Casa Grande. The work they do is priceless and from that point of view we all have to be ambassadors of the Casa Grande. from that point of view, we all have to be ambassadors of the Casa Grande because in a world where injustice injustices, to know that there are people who are capable of giving the best of themselves to work for others. to give the best of themselves to work for others is something that reconciles us with the human being. with the human being, and the Casa Grande de Martiherrero reconciles us with the best of the human being. of the human being", has reported Newspaper of Avila.

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