
Holy Week Proclamation to the Most Holy Christ of Humility

Omnes-September 28, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

Text María Jesús Mata Carretero. Degree in Economics and Business Administration

It all started on Saturday, November 9, 2019, by chance, I was in Toledo spending a few days with some friends and Divine Providence wanted me to attend the celebration of the Holy Mass in the "Conventual Church of the Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes" of the emblematic city without knowing, at any time, that the monthly Eucharist of the "Brotherhood - Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Humility" was being celebrated.

At the end, the parishioners moved to a small chapel where there was an admirable to a small chapel where there was an admirable Christ. We prayed a beautiful a beautiful prayer and then we kissed him. A brother took a picture of Christ from his wallet and gave it to me as a gift. Christ to give it to me as a gift. I thanked him and asked him, please, to pass the prayer card through the image. At that moment, it was when I discovered its its sublime name "Santísimo Cristo de la Humildad de Toledo", a carving of the Sevillian sculptor Don Darío Fernández from the year 2007.

From that moment on, a cordial friendship began. a series of "blessed" coincidences and circumstances, together with a faith circumstances together with a faith that has moved mountains, everything happening in a totally "Predestined" way. totally "Predestined".

When on January 13 the Eldest Brother, Don Luis Bolado, invited me to pronounce the proclamation I felt happy and immensely honored, for such a high distinction towards my person. For me it represents a great honor and an authentic privilege, to have been named the "First Proclaimer of the Brotherhood - Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Humility of Toledo" an Andalusian, specifically, a native of the municipality of the Alpujarra of Almeria of Canjáyar where I developed my childhood and adolescence, although at the present time I reside in Almeria.

But, at the same time, I was at a loss for words to address the 400 brothers and sisters of this historic Brotherhood of Toledo, since they did not know me at all. they did not know me at all. I did not expect them to remember me for such a significant and special occasion. special occasion, a detail that I am very grateful for and I am proud of it. proud of it, to be able to express the affection that I feel towards our "Santísimo "Santísimo Cristo de la Humildad".

I only wish, deeply, to have lived up to and fulfilled the expectations that Christ and his brothers and sisters deserved and expected from me, together with the imposition of the precious medal, as a sister of the Brotherhood.

A very emotional and endearing afternoon - evening of Saturday, March 7, 2020 that I will never forget, because at all times I was received and treated as one more toledana.                          

                                                         Thank you!   

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