The Vatican

Pope Francis leaves Gemelli: gratitude to doctors and sorrow for Greece

Early on Friday, June 16, Pope Francis left the Gemelli Polyclinic Hospital. Before arriving at the Vatican, he stopped at the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore to give thanks in prayer before the icon of the Virgin Mary. Salus Populi Romani recovery.

Maria José Atienza-June 16, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
pope francisco gemelli

Photo: The Pope greets his departure from the Gemelli ©CNS photo/Lola Gomez)

Pope Francis has been released from Gemelli hospital. The Pope's discharge occurs after surgery for an "incarcerated laparocele", i.e. a type of hernia that forms in a scar and causes, among other things, intestinal obstructions. The operation was performed by laparotomy and plastic surgery.

During these days, the Vatican press room has reported on the evolution of the postoperative period of the pontiff in which the absence of fever and the progressive recovery of the Pope have prevailed.

Yesterday, the Pope personally thanked the entire medical team for their attention and care during these days. He also greeted those responsible for the management of the hospital and the Ecclesiastical Assistants linked to the institution. The words of gratitude were repeated this morning as he left the hospital.

Hospital discharge

A large group of people and many journalists were able to see and greet the Pope at the doors of the Gemelli Polyclinic. Francis took advantage of some of the questions about his health to recall the recent shipwreck in Greece, which has claimed the lives of more than 80 people, underlining his sorrow for this event.

The Pope left the hospital early in the morning and went first of all to the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore to give thanks in prayer before the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Salus Populi Romani his recovery. A picture we have seen repeatedly this year, both after his trips and after the Pope's hospital stay at the end of March.

The Holy See Press Office reported that, once he had left the Gemelli, the Holy Father also stopped for a brief private visit to the Sisters of the Maria Santissima Bambina Institute, gathered in general chapter, and also greeted the police and military personnel at the 'Perugino Entrance' of Vatican City, to thank them for their service.

Recovery of papal activity

Pope Francis' activities for the coming days "are confirmed" and the Pontiff will lead the Angelus prayer this Sunday and private audiences are also confirmed for the coming days.

The General Audience on Wednesday, June 21, is the only public event to be cancelled "to safeguard the post-operative recovery of the Holy Father."

As confirmed by Dr. Alfieri, in charge of the operation, the Pope's trips to Lisbon for World Youth Day and to Mongolia are assured and, in fact, "he will be able to face them better than before because now he will no longer have the discomfort of previous ailments".

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