
The economic impact of the Church's cultural activity: 32 billion euros

Omnes-June 16, 2016-Reading time: < 1 minute

The Church's mission is undoubtedly of a spiritual nature, but its activity has a beneficial impact on the economy. This is demonstrated by the latest studies published by the EEC.

– Enrique Carlier

In recent weeks and within the context of the income tax declaration campaign, the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) is carrying out a praiseworthy work of transparency by providing the public with abundant information not only on the activities of the Church and how it uses the 250 million euros it receives each year from taxpayers, but also on the economic impact of all its cultural, charitable, liturgical and educational activities.

Certainly, it can be said that Spanish society has hit the jackpot with the Church, with its rich cultural heritage and with all the activities, initiatives and efforts of individuals and ecclesial institutions that later revert -either directly or indirectly- to the benefit of all. No one with a little objectivity doubts this reality. The difficult thing is to quantify it. And that is what the EEC, particularly its Vice-Secretariat for Economic Affairs, is now working on.

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