
#MakeLoveHappen: love, besides a gift is building

Omnes-February 12, 2018-Reading time: 3 minutes

Lucía Martinez Alcalde began writing about love at the age of 16. Since then she has not stopped reflecting on this topic that society needs so much.

Text - Fernando Serrano

Journalist, writer, blogger, wife and mother, this is how Lucía Martínez Alcalde can be introduced. "I have been writing about love and people for many years.", explains Lucia on her website, in which she not only reflects on love, but also writes about courtship, people, discovery, suffering....

At the age of 16, Lucía wrote her first novel, titled You owe me a kiss. "Love is one of my favorite subjects. As a child because of a more romantic interest, although as I've gotten older it has evolved into a more background interest."he explains. Nowadays he writes a blog on the web called #MakeLoveLoveHappen. A somewhat unexpected name. When I ask him about the origin of that name, he explains that "for some years now, I think since 2010, I have had as my life's motto almost the '.Make it'. Later with my first steps on Twitter I came up with the idea of putting it in the format. hashtag and in English: #makeithappen".. Subsequently changed the "It" by "Love": "When I discovered that love, besides being a gift, is to build, I discovered something else, the same thing happens with life. You haven't done anything to be born, you just find yourself living, and the right attitude, in my opinion, is to accept that enormous gift and build your life. And make it so.

Talking about love

I am interested in why he chose to focus on such a specific topic. "Love is the most important thing in our lives, we all want to love and be loved.", he explains. He then specifies: "Today's society lives in unhappiness in spite of the fact that it carries this yearning as standard. We strive to learn many things, but love is not usually taught. And it is a subject in which happiness is at stake.". That is why he believes it is necessary to write, talk and reflect on this longing.

In particular, she decided to keep a blog because of the explanation of a university professor, who taught them that one of the best ways to clarify their thoughts is to put them in writing: "I have a blog.That's why I would like the blog to serve that purpose. To bring some order to the bustle of all that has been said, listened to, read, thought, lived...". She received a new lease on life in the months leading up to her wedding. "Pablo and I learned a lot from each other, from what we saw, from others, from wise advice from wise people... And we thought it would be good to share some of what we learned along the way. Pablo has been the support to take this project forward.".

Good love

"Although these concepts are very 'forts'.The most important thing is that they respond to what we desire in the deepest part of our being. I am convinced that we all carry this desire in our hearts."Lucía comments. On her website, she groups the entries on the idea of the love forever under the name of Good love. "I wanted to put 'good love' to give it a more colloquial feel and because sometimes 'true love' has been so misused or worn so thin that it can give the impression that it is not what you want to express." He goes on to reflect: "What happens is that sometimes we bury that desire to really love, or we do not know how to make it real, or we have tried many times and we have ended up so hurt that we withdraw, or we do not know how to do it and we turn to what is easier, to what is temporary, to a kind of 'substitute' for love, which gives us a momentary satisfaction.".

Beyond the Internet

"Receive the feedback of the readers and to see that you have touched their lives in some way, even if it's just to make them a little bit better, I think that's one of the best things about writing.", explains Lucia about the possible influence of her page on the people who read it, she has the vision that her written reflections go beyond the screen. "For example, there are some regular readers of the blog who wrote to me when they started dating their respective boys and have been sharing with me every step... some are already married and are moms; others have become engaged...".

But it's not just emails, they also write to him through social networks: "People who feel identified and are grateful to discover that others think this way and that they are not alone in this journey for a good love; people who have decided to take an important step (leaving an unhealthy relationship, asking someone out or simply daring to ask for a coffee).".

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