
José Antonio Rosas Amor. Bringing faith to politics

Father of a family and committed politician, Mexican José Antonio Rosas Amor directs the Catholic Leadership Academythrough which it seeks to form politicians consistent with the faith who contribute to the development of society. 

Juan Carlos Vasconez-June 18, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes
love roses

In the hustle and bustle of political life, where voices intertwine in heated debates and agendas seem to be overwhelmed by the urgencies of the moment, a figure emerges who seeks to unite two apparently divergent worlds: faith and politics. He is José Antonio Rosas Amor.

José Antonio, a Mexican layman, father of a family and convinced politician, is responsible for a singular mission: "To invite Catholic politicians to play a more active role in promoting social welfare, inspired by the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church.".

José Antonio directs the Academy of Catholic Leaders ( that seeks "to form a new generation of Latin American Catholics with political and social responsibilities to transform the face of the continent at the service of its peoples, in the light of the Magisterium of the Church and in view of the Jubilees of the Fifth Centenary of Guadalupe and the two thousand years of the redemption.

Since his childhood, José Antonio has witnessed the divine presence in his life. Raised by a single mother who instructed him in a simple but profound faith, he learned from a young age "the value of trust in providence".. His mother, a merchant with a modest store, but with great common sense and supernatural sense, instilled in him the importance of abandoning himself to God's will at all times.

Significant encounters

His path, as he himself points out, has been marked by significant encounters. One of the most memorable was with Brother Miguel Martinez, a referent of the movement. scout in Mexico, who dedicated time and effort to guide him in his spiritual journey. 

Brother Miguel knew how to transmit passion for Jesus and for his Church and from this religious José Antonio learned to find the supernatural point of view in his ordinary life, to develop the naturalness of one who is accustomed to treat God and the angels with the same confidence with which one treats a good friend.

José Antonio recalls that on one occasion, some 30 years ago, when cell phones did not exist, "One of the leaders of the Scouts in Latin America urgently needed to speak with Brother Miguel, he called him on the phone from his office and was informed that the religious had left in his car several hours ago, he was on his way to another city, and that he probably still had about six hours to travel. This answer left him cold, he urgently needed Brother Miguel's advice to make an important decision that could not wait. Half an hour later the phone rang, he took the call, it was Don Miguel 'What luck we were looking for him'. And don Miguel's answer was: 'I was on the road and my guardian angel told me that you were looking for me. So the first chance I got I parked and I'm calling'. This is an example of the naturalness of the supernatural."

Leadership training

José Antonio's vocation crystallized at an early age, when he discovered his calling to politics as an expression of his Christian identity. His main objective is to "to form committed Catholics who participate in political life from a perspective of encounter and unity, following the teachings of the Popes, especially those of Pope Francis, who emphasizes the importance of being signs of unity in a polarized world."

With an ardent passion and an unwavering faith, José Antonio seeks to transmit closeness, to teach Catholics to live their faith in politics with coherence, reminding them that social and political commitment can be a way of encountering God and our fellow men and women.

His work inspires many to embrace a more inclusive and humanitarian vision of politics, where faith is not an obstacle, but a beacon that guides toward a greater common good. In a world in need of hope and cohesion, the voice of José Antonio Amor resonates as an echo of solidarity and love in action.

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