
Evangelization at the heart of the 25th Congress of Catholics and Public Life

"The 25th Catholics and Public Life Congress is not only a commemoration, it is also the occasion for a reflection on the meaning that the Congress has had and what it has contributed to society throughout all these years," the director of the CEU Congress, Rafael Sánchez Saus, told the media today before the November event, which celebrates its silver jubilee.

Francisco Otamendi-June 29, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

The director of the congress, Rafael Sánchez Saus ©CEU

The title of the Congress, which will take place on November 17, 18 and 19, organized as usual by the Catholic Association of Propagandists (Asociación Católica de Propagandistas (ACdP) and the San Pablo CEU University Foundation, will be "Living, Sharing, Announcing: Evangelizing".

In all these years, "not only have we lived, shared and proclaimed the faith, but we also hope that this enormous amount of activities carried out over so many years has resulted in an evangelizing effort, and that this effort has also been reflected in the life of the Catholic Association of Propagandists, in the life of the CEU and in the life of Spain," said Rafael Sánchez Saus.

In addition, Sánchez Saus has insisted that this 25 Congress The program is being compiled and proposes to continue along the lines of evangelization. Regarding the speakers, the director announced that "the balance of personalities from politics, civil society and intellectuals will be maintained", and revealed two people who will speak in this edition, and who participated in a special way in the first edition: Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela, who will make the presentation of the congress a few days before its beginning, and Jaime Mayor Oreja, who will be the main speaker., who, as Minister of the Interior, participated in 1998 as a speaker.

For Sánchez Saus, maintaining the Catholics and Public Life Congress for 25 years "speaks of a successful experience of the CEU and the ACdP, so there is much to celebrate".. During the meeting with the media, the Proceedings of the 24th Catholics and Public Life Congress, held last November under the title 'We Propose the Faith. We pass on a legacyThe event was attended by more than 1,000 congress participants, was covered by more than 100 media outlets and was followed online in 15 countries.

Other speakers included Richard Reinsch, director of the B. Kenneth Simon Center of the Heritage Foundation; Chilean politician José Antonio Kast, presented by Professor Francisco José Contreras; painter Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, Archduke Imre of Habsburg-Lorraine, and philosopher and writer Higinio Marín, named as one of the most important figures in the history of Chile. rector CEU Cardenal Herrera University in May.

The next congress in November will begin on Friday morning with a commemorative session, and then maintain the same pattern of presentations and workshops as in previous years. In addition, there will be an exhibition, which will be traveling around Spain, several commemorative videos and an anthology of texts that will collect some of the ideas of the Congress, which is preparing the professor of the CEU San Pablo University, Fernando Bonete. In addition, this 25th Congress recovers the Children's Congress, which ceased to be held due to the pandemic, and renews the Youth Congress.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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