
A solidarity Christmas tree in Torreciudad

Maria José Atienza-November 10, 2020-Reading time: < 1 minute

The traditional Christmas tree of the Marian sanctuary will be decorated, this year, with transparent balls where the intentions of the collaborators will be inserted. The purchase of each ball will help families in the area through Caritas Barbastro - Monzón.

Each year, the Torreciudad sanctuary Among its Christmas decorations, it places a decorated tree. This year, in addition to decorating the sacral spaceThe tree will be the result of small gestures of solidarity, because from their branches will hang transparent Christmas balls that will contain inside them written intentions of those who buy the balls. Part of the proceeds from these balls will be donated to needy families in the area, especially those affected pandemic through Diocesan Caritas of Barbastro-Monzón, which will be the entity that will receive this financial aid.

Each solidarity Christmas ball has a price of 5 euros and can be purchased through the Sanctuary page until November 29.

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