The Vatican

The University of the Holy Cross and Tutela Minorum sign an agreement

On February 14, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross reported on its new collaboration agreement with the Commission for the Protection of Minors to prevent abuse in the Church.

Paloma López Campos-February 15, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
PUSC and Tutela Minorum

The signing of the agreement between the University and the Pontifical Commission (Copyright: Pontifical University of the Holy Cross).

– Supernatural Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (PUSC, for its acronym in Spanish) and the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (Tutela Minorum) announced that they will work together to fight the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults in the Catholic Church.

The agreement was signed by Cardinal Seán Patrick O'Malley, President of the Commission, and Luis Navarro, Rector of the University. It is composed of 7 articles that specify the nature of this collaboration between the two entities.

The agreement between the PUSC and Tutela Minorum

First, the two parties undertake to carry out a "regular update of initiatives and academic activities for the prevention, protection and safeguarding of minors and vulnerable persons".

Also in this regard, the University will lend free of charge to the Committee the spaces in the "Palazzo di Sant'Apollinare" for academic and institutional activities related to the objective of the Committee. For its part, the Vatican Committee will communicate the use of the spaces to the University and will bear all the expenses for the organization of such activities.

The agreement leaves open the possibility of carrying out other "research activities, seminars, training courses (...) and other forms of collaboration". However, this will require other "specific agreements".

Communication between the two entities remains in the hands of the university rector and the secretary of the Pontifical Commission, "in order to ensure an open dialogue in light of the importance of the shared mission".

To ensure transparency, the University and the Commission "undertake to prepare an annual report on achievements, which will be disseminated jointly and in the manner deemed most appropriate".

The collaboration between the institutions will last three years, although "it is renewable by explicit agreement of the contracting parties". In the event that neither the University nor the Commission indicates that they wish to withdraw from the agreement three months before its expiration, the agreement "will be considered renewed".

Common effort in the Church

"This agreement is part of the network of collaboration agreements that the Commission signs with other ecclesial entities to carry out its mission," said Cardinal O'Malley when speaking about the signing. For his part, Rector Luis Navarro expressed the joy of the university team for "being at the service of a crucial and common effort within the Church."

In addition to this collaboration, the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross has other projects under way for the prevention of abuse. Among them, a training course in February and March, and a round table organized by the Canon Law faculty.

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