
A new generation is committed to the most needy in Venezuela

Omnes-July 3, 2017-Reading time: < 1 minute

Young people are making their way in Venezuela. The country's convulsive economic and political situation has prompted many university students and graduates to reverse the trend of going abroad and stay to support the nation. In times of severe humanitarian crisis, social assistance initiatives are multiplying to the point of becoming networks.

-TEXT. Marcos Pantin, Maracaibo (Venezuela)

The rector of the university emerges from the cloud of tear gas that spreads through our house of studies. He carries a fainting student in his arms. He does not go to the infirmary. He goes to the Radio room of the School of Social Communication which, sheltered from the detonations and gases, has become a field infirmary. Since then, the appearance of the rector became a legend in the collective memory of our university.

These are the student protests of 2007. The then President Chavez pushes for a referendum to approve his indefinite reelection and to modify the Constitution to establish the Communal State. The communal model, copied from Cuban communism, strips the citizen of the right to vote directly and transfers it to the communal cells, conditioned to official approval and enlisted in the government party...

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