
Young people are the protagonists of the next Catholics and Public Life Congress

The 26th edition of the Catholics and Public Life Congress will take place from November 15-17. This year's title is "Quo Vadis: Thinking and Acting in Times of Uncertainty".

Paloma López Campos-September 17, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes
Catholics and Public Life Congress

The co-directors of the Congress, María San Gil and José Masip (San Pablo CEU University Foundation).

From November 15 to 17, 2024 the Catholic Association of Propagandists and the CEU San Pablo University will celebrate the 26th edition of the Catholics and Public Life Congress. This year's title is "Quo Vadis: Thinking and acting in times of uncertainty" and, as usual, the conference will be held at the University's headquarters (Calle Julián Romea 23, Madrid).

The Congress aims to deepen the influence that faith has on all dimensions of life, as pointed out by the two new co-directors of the Congress: María San Gil and José Masip.

Back to Catholic basics

Although the program of the conference is not yet public, the Congress organizers assure that this year the protagonists will be the following young people. Through them, both the Catholic Association of Propagandists and the CEU San Pablo University want to remind the new generations of their main role in reminding society of its Christian foundations.

Faced with the relativism of truth and political extremism, says the manifesto of this Congress, Catholics must assume their responsibility as defenders of truth. Faced with "the systematic advance and imposition of a new society", Christians can remind everyone of their Christian origins and roots, which are necessary to draw a clear horizon that allows us to answer the question "Quo Vadis? Where are we going?".

In this way, the 26th edition of the Congress does not depart from the fundamental mission of the Congress, expressed on its own web page: "to show society the value and power of the Christian proposal". In the presentation of the Congress, the co-directors made special emphasis on the participation of many different groups of Catholic initiative, as a way of meeting and collaborating in this task that is the responsibility of all Christians.

This year's manifesto also shows this eagerness for unity in the diversity inherent to Catholicism. "It is as wrong to consider that all Catholics think the same in all political matters as it is to conclude that we have no cohesion in the public sphere.

In the coming days, the presentations and keynote speakers, including Catholic influencers, will be unveiled.

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