
"Candidates for lay ministries will be required to have adequate training."

During a conversation with journalists, the bishop of Orense and president of the Liturgy Commission assured that "we do not want to clericalize the laity".

David Fernández Alonso-April 21, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
lemos with journalists

José Leonardo Lemos, president of the Liturgy Commission, held a colloquium with journalists in the press room of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, where he presented the work of the Commission he presides, as well as some documents on which they are working especially in recent months and some of which will be presented for approval during the Plenary Assembly that is taking place during these days.

The Liturgy Commission

Leonardo Lemos presented the work of the Liturgy Commission, assuring that it pivots on the president and the technical secretary, and relies on specialists in different areas. The Commission tries to provide the various dioceses with certain documents to contribute to the good celebration of the liturgy of the different rites. Popular piety and devotion sometimes require a liturgy appropriate to the place.

These days the Plenary Assembly of the bishops is taking place. Lemos commented that besides being a work meeting, they are also days of coexistence and communion among the bishops.

The new funeral ritual

During these days the funeral ritual has been submitted for approval, because the previous one was obsolete. This one tries to include all possible situations, some of them accentuated because of the pandemic. At the last Standing Meeting of the Bishops, the document "A God of the Living" was approved and is still being worked on.

This funeral ritual includes the rite of cremation, with some variations from the general funeral rite. According to the document of the Episcopal Conference, "cremation of the bodies of the Christian faithful who have died is becoming more and more frequent. Since cremation usually takes place after the funeral celebration with the coffin present, it is appropriate to choose texts of the Ritual that do not refer to burial. If, because of special circumstances, cremation takes place before the celebration - accidents, transfers from distant places, certain infectious diseases, etc. - the texts and guidelines indicated in the Funeral Ritual for this situation.

"In this case, the possibility of making the procession to the cemetery with the urn is excluded, but, in agreement with the family, prayers may be held at the time of depositing the urn with the ashes in the appropriate place chosen for this purpose."

On lay ministries

On the other hand, Lemos also announced that they are preparing a study plan for the preparation of candidates for lay ministries, adapted to the circumstances of the candidates themselves. Until now, the study plan was limited to candidates for the priesthood, and was included in the plan for these persons.

Lemos assured Omnes that "this plan of studies will be imparted through the Centers of Religious Sciences, following specific courses". These candidates will be required to have a formation adequate to the service of lay ministries. On the other hand, Lemos also affirmed that they are thinking about the possible attire, that without clericalizing these people, they should be distinguished and that they should wear an attire in accordance with the service they perform at the altar.

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