The World

Kenny Ang: "Pope's trip symbolizes a moment of spiritual renewal for Indonesian Catholics".

Pope Francis will be in Indonesia from September 3 to 6, 2024. The country's Catholics are eagerly preparing for this visit, as shown in this interview with Kenny Ang, who says that the Pontiff is "a deeply influential figure for Indonesian Catholics".

Paloma López Campos-August 29, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes

Kenny Ang

Pope Francis' trip to the various countries of Asia and Oceania is an important event for Catholics. Moreover, the fact that some of these regions have a majority population of other religions makes this occasion even more special.

This is how Kenny Ang feels, a priest from Indonesia who now lives in the Altomonte Priestly College (Rome) and who completed his studies thanks to a scholarship from the CARF Foundation. In this interview with Omnes he explains the context in which the Catholics of his country live, the geographical distance but spiritual closeness with Pope Francis and the impact that the visit of a Pontiff has on the faith of the communities.

What is the situation of Catholics in Indonesia?

-Indonesia, with a population of approximately 275 million, is home to more than 8 million Catholics, accounting for about 3.1 % of its population. This figure exceeds the Catholic population of countries such as Ireland, Norway and several Central and South American nations such as Uruguay and Costa Rica.

Although they are a minority, the Catholics in Indonesia are widely distributed in various regions and actively participate in social, educational and charitable activities, enriching the cultural and social fabric of the nation. 

However, like other religious minorities, Catholics face occasional challenges, such as localized tensions or security incidents affecting their communities. 

The attack The most recent targeting of a Catholic church in Indonesia occurred in 2021, underscoring the periodic concern for the safety of religious minorities.

However, Indonesia constitutionally upholds religious freedom, which allows Catholics and other religious groups to openly practice their faith and contribute to the diverse composition of the country's society.

Is the Pope a distant figure for the country's faithful because of the miles that separate them from Rome?

-Despite the physical distance that separates the Vatican from Indonesia, the country's faithful do not see Pope Francis as a distant figure. Modern communication technologies, such as television, internet and social media, effectively bridge this geographical distance, allowing Indonesian Catholics to maintain a close connection with the Pope and his teachings.

In addition, the Pope's pastoral visits to various countries, including Indonesia, serve to deepen this connection by providing direct opportunities for interaction. Overall, despite the significant physical distance, Pope Francis remains a deeply influential figure for Indonesian Catholics.

How important do you think the Pope's September trip is for Catholics?

-Two previous Popes, both later canonized as saints, visited Indonesia: St. Paul VI in 1970 and St. John Paul II in 1989.

The official logo for the upcoming visit of Pope Francis in September 2024 shows the Pontiff with his hand raised in blessing, on a background featuring a golden Garuda, an eagle venerated in Indonesian culture, depicted in the traditional batik style. 

The logo includes a map of Indonesia showing the diversity of the archipelago, characterized by numerous ethnic groups, languages, cultures and religious traditions. The apostolic journey is guided by the motto "Faith - Fraternity - Compassion".

With this in mind, the upcoming papal trip to Indonesia has profound significance for the country's Catholics in several ways:

1. This visit would be an integral part of the Pope's mission to foster faith and unity within the universal Church, driven by a genuine admiration for the Indonesian people, regardless of their religious affiliation (see John Paul II, Homily at the Holy Mass in the Stadium of Istora Senayan in Jakarta, Indonesia, October 9, 1989).

His presence would aim to inspire and support Indonesian bishops, priests, religious and lay Catholics, renewing their commitment to spreading the Gospel and strengthening their role in a pluralistic society.

3. Recognizing the fundamental role of the Catholic laity, the Pope will ask them to reaffirm their dedication to fostering family life, serving the disadvantaged, and contributing to national development and peace (see John Paul II, Homily at Holy Mass at the Stadium of Istora Senayan in Jakarta, Indonesia, October 9, 1989).

4. Overall, the Pope's visit promises to be a deeply spiritual and joyous occasion for the Church in Indonesia, allowing local Catholics to reaffirm their faith in Christ and their dual identity as fully Catholic and fully Indonesian (see John Paul II, Homily at Holy Mass at the "Istora Senayan" Stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia, October 9, 1989).

The Pope's evident pastoral concern for the Church in Indonesia and his respect for people of all faiths in the country underscore the importance of this visit. Continuing the legacy that began with the visit of Pope Paul VI in 1970, Pope Francis' trip symbolizes a significant moment of spiritual renewal for Indonesian Catholics, reinforcing their role in spreading the Gospel within their nation and supporting them as a minority group in a diverse and pluralistic society.

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