The Vatican

World Day of Migrants: "Ensure assistance and welcome".

Migrants: this word has resounded in the Vatican on many occasions at the beginning of the new year. In St. Peter's Basilica, 6,000 migrants and refugees have participated in a Mass in their jubilee.

Giovanni Tridente-February 9, 2016-Reading time: 6 minutes
Pope Francis with ambassadors from around the world at the Vatican.

It is not only that the second Sunday of January was the World Day for Migrants and Refugees, which has taken on a very special meaning in this year's World Day for Migrants and Refugees. Jubilee dedicated to Mercy. To migrants - and to mercy - for example, Pope Francis dedicated some passages of his address to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, which he received at the Vatican precisely on the occasion of the New Year. It is an appointment in which the Pontiffs usually refer to the situation in different areas of the world, also recalling the apostolic journeys he has made to various countries in the preceding months.

Serious emergency

Referring specifically to the phenomenon of migration, the Holy Father wished to reflect with the ambassadors on the "grave emergency" we attended, especially in an attempt to try and "discern its causes, propose solutions, and overcome inevitable fear." that accompanies it. A massive and imposing emergence, which in addition to Europe is also present in various Asian regions and the north and center of America.

The Pope has made his own "the cry of all those who are forced to flee to avoid the indescribable barbarities committed against defenseless people, such as children and the disabled, or martyrdom for the simple fact of their religious faith.". And, in addition, you can hear "the voice of those who escape from extreme misery, not being able to feed their families or have access to health care and education, from degradation, because they have no prospect of progress, or from climate change and extreme weather conditions.".

Faced with such a scenario, so sad and "fruit of a 'throwaway culture' that endangers the human person, sacrificing men and women to the idols of profit and consumerism."Francis encouraged not to "get used to" and has raised "a common commitment that ends decisively". with that culture. Starting with all the efforts to stop that traffic which "turns human beings into merchandise, especially the weakest and most defenseless.". We must be aware, in fact, that many of those people who have "they would never have left their own homeland if they had not been forced to do so.". Among them there are also "multitude of Christians who, more and more en masse, have had to leave in recent years their own land, where they have lived even since the origins of Christianity.".

"Many of the causes of emigration could have been addressed long ago."The Holy Father explained unequivocally. Consequently, "before it's too late"you have to put in place "medium and long-term plans that do not remain a simple response to an emergency".The aim is to help migrants integrate in the host countries, while at the same time promoting the development of the countries of origin through social policies that are respectful of the cultures to which they are addressed.

Francis then referred to that "humanistic spirit" that has always characterized the European continent, and that today is faltering in the face of the migratory wave: "We cannot allow them to lose the values and principles of humanity, of respect for the dignity of every person, of subsidiarity and reciprocal solidarity, even though they may be, at certain moments in history, a difficult burden to bear.". In short, the Pope said he was convinced that Europe, also by drawing on its cultural and religious heritage, has the ability to "to find the right balance between the moral duty to protect the rights of its citizens, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, to ensure the assistance and reception of migrants.". You only need to want it.

Jubilee Day of the Migrant

As we were saying, on January 17, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees was celebrated all over the world, in the context of the Holy Year of Mercywas also lived as the Jubilee of Migrants. On this occasion, more than 6,000 migrants and refugees coming from regions of Italy, in particular Lazio, and belonging to at least 30 different nationalities and cultures, participated in the Angelus in St. Peter's Square with Pope Francis.

The Holy Father addressed them with these words: "Dear migrants and refugees, each of you carries within you a history, a culture of precious values; and often, unfortunately, also experiences of misery, oppression, fear. Your presence in this square is a sign of hope in God".. Then he exhorted them: "Do not let yourselves be robbed of hope and joy of life, which are born from the experience of divine mercy, also thanks to the people who welcome you and help you.".

The migrants then crossed the border through the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica and participated in the Holy Mass presided by Cardinal Antonio Maria Vegliò, President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People.

At the foot of the altar was erected the so-called "Lampedusa cross", made by a local carpenter from the remains of the barges that have transported refugees to this Italian island south of Sicily: a true "gateway to Europe" that for many years has been welcoming those fleeing wars across the sea. The cross is a reminder of the many shipwrecked people, many of them children, who have lost their lives in the Mediterranean in recent years, and for some months now it has been on a kind of "pilgrimage" through the parishes of Italy. Another gesture that characterized the celebration centered on the Holy Forms distributed during Communion, donated by detainees, many of them foreigners, from the Opera prison (Milan).

"The Church has always contemplated in migrants the image of Christ. Moreover, in the Year of Mercy, we are challenged to rediscover the works of mercy and, among the corporal ones, there is the call to welcome."Cardinal Vegliò recalled in his homily during the Mass.

Then, referring to the phenomenon of migration, he recalled that "this real exodus of peoples is not an evil, but the symptom of an evil: that of an unjust world, characterized in many places by conflict, war and extreme poverty".. Therefore, "the experience of migrants and their presence remind the world of the urgency of eliminating the inequalities that break fraternity and the oppression that compels people to leave their own land.".

Referring then to the integration, Vegliò explained that the latter "implies neither artificial separation nor assimilation, but rather provides an opportunity to identify the cultural heritage of the migrant and recognize his or her gifts and talents for the common good of the Church.": "no one should feel superior to the other, but all should perceive the need to collaborate and contribute to the good of the one family of God.".

As for the other Jubilee appointments, it has already been announced that on February 22 the Jubilee dedicated to the Roman Curia, the Governorate of Vatican City and all the other institutions linked to the Holy See will be celebrated. At 10:30 a.m. the Holy Father will celebrate Holy Mass in St. Peter's Basilica.

The Jubilee of Adolescents will take place from April 23-25. It will include, among other things, a celebration at the Olympic Stadium in Rome and, on the following day, Holy Mass with Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square. This event for teenagers will serve as an introduction to the Youth Jubilee, which will take place in conjunction with World Youth Day in Krakow in July. It was not by chance that the Pope wanted to dedicate a specific Message also to young people, to whom he explained that the Holy Year "it is an occasion to discover that living as brothers is a great feast, the most beautiful we can dream of".. Addressing a thought to those who suffer in situations of war, extreme poverty and abandonment, Francis exhorted the young people not to lose hope and not to believe in "the words of hatred and terror that are often repeated; on the contrary, build new friendships.".

Mercy Fridays

At the beginning of the Jubilee it had been explained that, during some Fridays, Pope Francis would bear witness to the concrete signs of Mercy.

After having opened the Holy Door of the hostel of the Caritas located near Rome's Termini Station - which for almost thirty years has been listening, welcoming, accompanying and socially reintegrating marginalized people, offering them nightly hospitality and hot meals - in recent weeks has paid a "surprise" visit to a family home on the outskirts of Rome, where about 30 elderly people are housed. He then went to Iride HouseThe only center in Europe that welcomes seven people in a vegetative state assisted by their relatives. Signs of great value in favor of human life and the dignity of every person, regardless of his or her condition.

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