The Vatican

The task of the Secretary of State: a "clear voice" for unity

The Secretariat of State of the Holy See deploys an apparatus of structures to guarantee unity through diplomatic relations with the States.

Giovanni Tridente-April 12, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
secretary of state

Photo credit: Copyright © 2017-2021 Dicasterium pro Communicatione / Vatican Media.

128 apostolic nunciatures for the 174 countries that have diplomatic relations with the Holy See, 12 apostolic delegations to the local Churches and 17 international organizations. These are the structures of liaison between the Secretariat of State of the Holy See and the Churches dispersed in all parts of the world, which constitute what is called "pontifical diplomacy", for the development of friendly relations between the Apostolic See and the various States in the service of the common good.

This emerges from a report published yesterday in L'Osservatore Romano, which for the occasion also published an interview with the Secretary of State of the Holy See, Card. Pietro Parolin.

The unity of the human family

In the current situation, made even more complex by the pandemic, "a clear voice is more necessary than ever to encourage nations not to forget the mistakes and horrors of past conflicts and also those that, unfortunately, are ongoing," explained Parolin. It is therefore essential to echo the teaching of Pope Francis, who never misses an opportunity to recall the unity of the human family, "and therefore the need for the international community to face the challenges in a concerted and multilateral way.

The Vatican body that closely collaborates with the mission of the Supreme Pontiff is currently divided into three Sections: General Issues (correspondence, pontifical documents, translations, organization of apostolic trips); Relations with States (diplomatic relations with States and other subjects of international law to promote concord, religious freedom and peace among peoples; and the last one created by Pope Francis in 2017, called. for the Diplomatic Staff of the Holy SeeThe program is aimed at those who work in the diplomatic service in the 128 pontifical representations.

Three sections

The first Section is headed by a substitute (Venezuelan Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra) and an advisor (Italian Monsignor Luigi Roberto Cona). The second section is headed instead by the secretary (English Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher) and by two undersecretaries, Polish priest Mirosław Stanisław Wachowsk (bilateral sector) and, since January 15 of this year, Italian laywoman Francesca Di Giovanni (bilateral sector), the first woman to assume a managerial role in the Secretariat of State. Finally, the third section, headed by a secretary for pontifical representations (Polish Archbishop Jan Romeo Pawłowski) and an undersecretary (Colombian priest Mauricio Rueda Beltz).

An eloquent testimony

Like its leaders, the service staff is also made up of people of diverse nationalities and backgrounds, totaling more than 100 lay people, half of whom are women employed in various tasks. "The fact that people with different histories, cultures and sensibilities can work together is an eloquent testimony to the possibility of building fraternal and peaceful relations among all peoples," said Card. Parolin.

As regards ordinary and extraordinary expenses in support of the entire international network on which pontifical diplomacy relies, in 2020 they totaled 23.8 million euros, with an expected reduction of about 4 million euros compared to the previous year.

Speaking of these aspects, as will be recalled, earlier this year the entire management of financial investments and real estate owned by the Secretariat of State, including the Obolo di San Pietro, was transferred to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA), in application of a specific motu proprio of Pope Francis.

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