The Vatican

An event to study the dissolution of marriage in favor of the faith

A conference will study the Instruction Potestas Ecclesiae from different points of view, twenty years after its publication, focusing on the dissolution of marriage in favorem fidei.

David Fernández Alonso-April 23rd, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
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On April 27th, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in collaboration with the Pontifical Lateran University, is promoting a Study Day on the theme: "The dissolution of marriage. in favorem fidei. Twenty years after the Instruction Potestas Ecclesiae (2001-2021)". The event is aimed at students of pontifical universities and collaborators of diocesan curias.

The morning, opened by the greetings of the Rector Magnificent Prof. Vincenzo Buonomo and the Prefect Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, S.I., will be dedicated to the theological and juridical study of the Instruction, while the afternoon will be reserved for the examination of some practical cases in study groups, meeting in online mode and moderated by an expert. For those who do not attend from Italy, groups will be set up according to language.

Depending on the pandemic situation and possible restrictions in place, it will be possible to follow the morning presentations both in person and via live streaming. Other speakers include: Msgr. Giordano Caberletti, Prelate Auditor of the Roman Rota; Prof. Luigi Sabbarese, C.S., Pontifical Urbaniana University; Rev. Johannes Furnkranz, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; and Prof. Francesco Catozzella, Pontifical Lateran University.

The morning lectures will be given in Italian and can also be followed by those who have not formally registered, through live streaming on the YouTube channel of the Pontifical Lateran University:

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