The Vatican

The Holy See will continue to vaccinate the poor and the marginalized

The Vatican continues the vaccination of the most needy by acquiring more doses provided by the Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital.

David Fernández Alonso-March 26, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
Vatican vaccines

Photo: ©2021 Catholic News Service / U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

In order to concretize the various appeals of Pope Francis so that no one is excluded from the anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign, the Apostolic Almshouse is once again close to the most fragile and vulnerable people.

In the run-up to Easter Sunday, precisely during Holy Week, the Vatican will allocate more doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, purchased by the Holy See and offered by the Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital, through the Vatican Commission Covid-19, which will be destined to vaccinate 1200 people among the poorest and most marginalized, who are the most exposed to the virus because of their condition.

Donations for vaccines

In addition, to continue sharing the miracle of charity towards the most vulnerable brothers and sisters and to give them the opportunity to enter this right, it will be possible to make an online donation of a "vaccino sospeso", in the Holy Father's charity account administered by the Apostolic Almshouse (

Vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable and needy in all regions of the planet. First and foremost, the most vulnerable and needy!

Pope FrancisMessage for Christmas 2020

In his Message for Christmas 2020, Pope Francis made a heartfelt appeal: "I ask everyone: heads of state, companies, international organizations, to promote cooperation and not competition, to seek a solution for all: vaccines for all, especially for the most vulnerable and needy in all regions of the planet. First and foremost, the most vulnerable and needy!". "Faced with a challenge that knows no borders, no barriers can be erected. We are all in this together."

Pope encourages vaccination

On the use of the vaccine, moreover, the Pope has repeatedly encouraged people to get vaccinated, because it is a way of exercising responsibility towards others and collective well-being, strongly reiterating that everyone should have access to the vaccine, with no one excluded due to poverty.

Last January, when the anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign began in the Vatican, Pope Francis wanted among the first people to be vaccinated to be more than twenty-five poor, mostly homeless, who live in the vicinity of St. Peter's and who are cared for and welcomed daily by the welfare and residential structures of the Apostolic Almshouse.

The same vaccine as the Pope

The vaccination of the poor during Holy Week will be carried out in the specially designated facilities inside the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican, using the same vaccine administered to the Pope and employees of the Holy See.

Doctors and health workers will be the volunteers who work permanently at the "Madre di Misericordia" clinic, located under the columns of Bernini, the employees of the Health and Hygiene Department of the Governatotato and volunteers from the Institute of Solidarity Medicine and the Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital.

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